thing by making things better for your children’s children, you’re not. There’s nothing the LSA can do on your own that will improve the planet. The course of action you’ve undertaken is not going to turn out well for you, the average citizens of the LSA. Study history, learn how dictatorships treat anyone who disagrees with the ruling class. You’ve fooled yourselves into thinking your way is the only way forward. Your leaders have committed murder to remain in power; they, not President Brownstone arranged the killing of your founder. Open your minds, open your eyes, you are playing games with yourselves. Your leaders are lying to you, if you truly desire peace, you will learn the truth.
“We will not allow you to censor the internet that belongs to everyone in every country. We are Anonymous; we will not allow you to harm the world for a false idea. We will now teach you a lesson - LSA; your internet access is now blocked for the next 30 days.”
“President Brownstone, we have a risky plan we’d like to discuss with you.”
“John, Alvin, come in, I find I usually like your risky plans, what’s on your minds?”
“We got some intel that Polsi and Reid are going to be traveling to The Hague to present their case against you. United tipped us off that Polsi is going to fly on one of their planes. We propose ‘jet-jacking’ Polsi’s flight, sort of like car jacking, only we’re planning to take over her jet.”
“She’s flying commercial? That’s a long way to fall for the once mighty.”
“Mr. President, she’s flying on a commercial airplane, but not really commercial. She’s taking over an entire United 777 from Los Angeles to The Hague. She’ll be flying with only a couple of her staff. Reid’s flying on LSA’s Air Force One. If we’re successful, we can ransom her back to Reid if he agrees to drop any pending charges against you or anyone else in this administration.”
“Interesting idea, however, not one I can condone, I can’t approve us forcing a plane down and taking a hostage. What separates us from them? Why would we be any different from them? And what makes you think Reid will accept the swap? His international address painted him into a corner where he has to proceed. If he withdraws from presenting his case at the World Court, both the LSA and he personally will lose too much face. That’s not like Reid. I thank you for the idea and work that went into preparing it. I suggest we look into the best trial lawyers we know and bring them here to discuss how best to fight this in the World Court. If we choose not to present a defense on the world stage, then the world will see us as guilty. We’ll lose everything we’ve tried to rebuild. Even with our currency tied to precious metals, countries will be pressured into not trading with us. We’ll lose export sales; some countries may decide not to sell to us. The products we import may fail due to a lack of spare and replacement parts. Hundreds of thousands of consumers may get stuck with useless products, we’ll be the ones they blame. Tens of thousands could lose their jobs. We are going to have to play Reid’s game, on his court, with his ball.”
John looks at the president, almost whispering, “Sir; we can make Reid’s plane disappear.”
“John don’t go there. I’m not going to order the assassination of another country’s leader.”
“Mr. President, he appointed himself, he’s not the official leader of the LSA.”
“John, he is, he was Obsma’s Vice President, when Obsma died he became the LSA’s president.”
“Mr. President, we all know Reid killed Obsma. He might as well have pulled the trigger and murdered him in cold blood; we all know that.”
“John, can you prove that in a court of law?”
“Sir, no, of course not.”
“Then it’s not truth. I think the legal term is, hearsay.”
“Yes sir.”
“If anything happens to Reid’s or Polsi’s planes the world will