realize they can't change the guy, that he has to change himself, they move on from this phase.
You can use th is by emulating it. Act like a badboy, even though it's not your nature. She will easily change you and be happy. It's the fact that they think they might be able to change you that will make her want you more.
Make her feel a strong range of emotions - The main reason we enjoy movies is because they make us feel emotion. A good movie will make us laugh, make us cry, and bring out our adrenaline with some adventure. Women want the same thing when they are with men. They want to feel. They don't want a dull night out, they want to feel emotion.
You can make her feel a range of emotions by doing something exciting like rock climbing, or maybe a bit illegal like tres passing into a pool in the middle of the night. If she is not up for anything too exciting you can lead her through emotions just by talking with her. Tease her, do something annoying, then do something sweet, then make her laugh, and then watch a scary movie. She will leave the night feeling many different emotions and feeling like she really lived.
Chapter 8: Attraction Characteristics that Will Differ from Girl to Girl
Women are all different, so there will always be exceptions. There will be things that some girls will find more attractive than other girls. I will go through some of these things with you to help you understand what these things are and why they are different.
Cultural - In different cultures people have very different upbringings, so you can't expect all triggers of attraction to be the same. Some triggers of attraction are created psychologically after years and years of social conditioning.
For example, there are women that have been socially conditioned by family, friends, and culture not to be attracted to a certain race. This isn't natural as human beings are naturally attracted to other human beings, regardless of race. So sometimes you will have to take factors like this into account. To find out how you can use this to your advantage read any of my books The White Guys Travel Guide on Where to Go to Get Girls, The Asian Guys Travel Guide on Where to Go to Get Girls, or The Black Guys Travel guide on Where to Go to Get Girls.
Location - Location plays a big role in changing what women find attractive. This is usually because in that area, when a certain feature is rare, it is either very sought after or the complete opposite. For example, in South America if you have blonde hair and blue eyes, these features will be seen as very attractive. Those features are very attractive down there because they are so rare. However, in the United States these features are looked at with indifference, because they are not rare.
You have a characteristic of her first love, first boyfriend or father - When you have one of these characteristics it becomes a psychological anchor. When she witnesses it, it connects her to those happy feelings that she had with previous men in her life that she cared deeply for.
You have a skill that she values - Some people come from sports families, others, musical families. If you are a good athlete, and you meet a girl who grew up in an environment where sports are number one, it will cause a lot of attraction. If you are a musician and you meet a girl from a musical family the same thing will happen. If you meet a single mom, and show her you are good with kids, again it will be a very strong attraction trigger.
You have a skill or characteristic she wants in herself – Some women will see a characteristic in you that they want and admire. This is very common with the personality attribute of being fearless, because most people have very strong fears. Another way this could happen is if a girl who is very insecure about how shy she is, sees an extraverted guy. She will hope it will rub off on her and subconsciously she will believe that her kids will be more extraverted if