Under a Ghostly Moon (Jerry Moon Supernatural Thrillers Book 1)

Read Under a Ghostly Moon (Jerry Moon Supernatural Thrillers Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Under a Ghostly Moon (Jerry Moon Supernatural Thrillers Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: William Moore, Beverley Moore
to have to call an ambulance."
    " No!" Moon panicked.  "I workth there!"
    " Ouch! Shit!”  Sonia whacked him around the head with her free hand. “I said don't talk.  I'm calling an ambulance and that's that."
    At one twenty a.m.  Moon and Sonia were wheeled into a cubicle in Accident and Emergency on a single trolley.  Moon, who had been hidden under a green cellular blanket in an attempt to preserve Sonia's dignity, suddenly found himself laid bare, blinking under the cubicle's strip lighting and gazing up into the sadistically grinning face of Gary Wong. The Chinese doctor chuckled evilly and wielded a pair of surgical wire cutters.  "Hello, Jerry," he sniggered.  "My, have you been a naughty boy!" This brought a chorus of laughs from three unnecessary nurses who had also crowded into the cubicle to join in the fun.
    " Geth sthtuffed, Wong!" lisped Moon, eliciting a pained scream and a clip round the ear from Sonia.
    " Just get it over with!" said Sonia through gritted teeth.  "I want to get as far away from this moron as possible."
    Fifteen minutes later Moon was dressing himself in a separate cubicle and wondering what the ambulance crew had done with his other shoe when Wong sidled through the curtain waving a transparent sample container in front of him then sticking it under Moon's nose.  "You must have been going some, Jerry, my son." He unscrewed the lid, grasped Moon's hand, and tipped the container's contents into his palm.  Moon gazed miserably at his tongue stud and Sonia's skull ring, the latter now cut open and bent out of shape, but he could still make out the point where it had somehow twisted and locked onto the other.  "Adds a whole new dimension to safe sex, doesn't it?" Wong was obviously determined to milk this for all it was worth.
    " I'm not in the mood, Gary," Moon replied dangerously.
    " No?" replied Wong.  "But you obviously were earlier.  Where on earth did you find 'Vampirella', the local cemetery?"
    " Not that it's any of your business, but I was researching an article for Venue."
    " What into, necrophilia?" Wong laughed.
    " Goth culture if you must know.  And Sonia happens to be a very nice girl, despite her taste in fashion."
    " Well, sorry to pour cold water on it, like.  But I really think you've spoiled your chances there, Kidda."
    Moon sighed .  "You're probably right." He really must try to patch things up with Sonia somehow.  They'd been doing all right up until the point where everything had gone pear shaped. And - face it - it wasn't very easy to meet potential partners as a nurse.  True, he met some lovely female nurses while working, but it's pretty hard to find the right moment to approach someone romantically when your most intimate encounters usually involve a distressed patient and soiled bed- linen.  At twenty-seven Moon was beginning to worry about his future.
    He found Sonia crying in the next cubicle with Avril trying to comfort her .  Her eyes narrowed as he peered around the curtain.  "Sorry, Love..." he began lamely.
    "' Sorry' doesn't cover it.  Not by a long straw!" Sonia replied petulantly.  "I'm so bloody sore I probably won't be able to sit down for a month.  What the hell were you thinking? You know you have to be careful with piercings."
    " Well, no I didn't, to be honest.  I didn't realise there'd be a problem."
    Sonia wasn 't listening.  "And that's another thing; twenty-five quid that little skull stud cost me at Dusk-till-Dawn Fashions.  Not much use for anything now is it!"
    " I'll pay for it," Moon fished in his pocket.  "I've got nearly forty quid here, buy something nicer."
    " Nicer? Oh I see, it was tacky, was it? My choice in jewellery isn't good enough for you." Sonia started to cry again.
    " Look, that's not what I meant..." said Moon still holding out his wad of cash.  "Oh, look.  I know you're pretty upset at the moment but I think we were both enjoying the evening up to that point." He fished one of the business

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