cards he used for his journalist work out of his pocket. "If you feel differently once you've had a chance to think about it just call me. Okay?"
Sonia took the card, tore it in two, balled it and threw it into a corner of the cubicle . "You'll be twice as much history once I've had time to think about it, Mister Jerry bloody Moon!"
" Sorry you feel that way," he replied sadly, turning to leave the cubicle.
Avril retrieved his card then followed him out . "Look," she explained, placing a restraining hand on his arm, "Sonia's just had a really painful and embarrassing experience and it'll take her a while to calm down. It's too early to try to make peace just yet, you know. I think you're a good guy, Jerry, but she's had to put up with a few real shits in her life. If you're willing to stay the distance I think things might work out between you two. I'll even put in a good word for you. So hang in there and she might come around."
Moon smiled wryly . "I really do like her, you know - enough to give her a little time to think things over anyway. I'll be hanging around the Rest on and off for the next week or so gathering more material for my article so the two of you might catch me there but, if you don't… please call me if there's any sign of a thaw." He nodded towards the cubicle where a miserable looking Sonia could be seen trying to peer through the chink in the curtains. "You talk her round and I'll owe you big time, I mean it."
Avril smiled . "Be careful, I might hold you to that some time."
Moon winked at her . "You do that. Bye Avril - for now." Moon headed out of the Minor Injuries section and through the double doors and out into the night, tiptoeing gingerly over where a drunk had thrown up on the entrance steps. He felt strangely elated by Avril's words, despite the embarrassing events of the last couple of hours. As he set off on his lonely way home he failed to notice as six tiny blue balls of light detached themselves eagerly from the neon glare of the hospital doorway and spiralled along above the pavement behind him.
Chapter 5
Moon woke the next morning with a painful throbbing in his tongue. As the events of the previous evening filtered back into his brain he groaned with guilt and embarrassment. Grabbing a bubble pack of paracetamol from his bedside cabinet, he popped a couple of the pills into his mouth and swilled them down with a mouthful of cold, grey tea from the unfinished cuppa that he had made when he had got home the previous night. Getting out of bed, he padded naked into his kitchenette where he made some fresh tea and buttered toast. He took these back to bed with him, switching on the TV as he walked past it. Making himself comfortable, he sat up in bed and watched a kids' computer graphic adventure series as he gingerly chewed his toast and planned his day.
One big advantage of working in the night pool was that he had a lot of control over his shift pattern so he worked in the middle of the week, allowing himself a longish weekend for his own projects . Today being Saturday, he thought the best use of his time would be to work on his article for an hour or so. Later, he would head out to the city centre for a little therapeutic shopping followed by an early visit to the Hangman's Rest to see if he could interview some of the bar staff before it got too busy.
Breakfast finished, he refilled his teacup and perched himself cross-legged in his executive chair with his keyboard in his lap. As he booted up his computer he rewound the tape in his Dictaphone and placed the machine next to the monitor. Unconsciously, he took a deep breath to prepare himself for work and then opened his 'Notes and Ideas' text- file, switched on the tape machine and began to type notes on the previous night's work from what he had recorded. He had found that this simple exercise helped him to organise his thoughts for the real task of