Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3)

Read Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) for Free Online

Book: Read Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) for Free Online
Authors: Amanda Bennett
too was an indescribable feeling, but
I had gotten to hold her right after she was born. After not being able to hold
your baby for practically two days after having him, well, it was gut wrenching
to say the least.
overwhelming peace fell over me and I could feel the two of us connecting like
we had been when he was inside of me. His eyes were still closed, but a small
smile spread across his itty bitty lips when I ran my finger across them. It
was the most magical feeling I had ever felt.
clutched his five pound ten ounce body to my chest as though he was my
lifeline. I never wanted to let him go. I wanted to hold him in my arms for as
long as I was allowed. I know it sounds selfish, but even the thought of having
to give him up to his dad, made me sad. It took everything in me to place him
in Gray's arms a short while later. I think he knew how I was feeling, but he
had to have been feeling the same way. He hadn't been able to hold him yet
either and I knew he needed it just as much as I did.
glanced up at my husband holding our little Daniel, and I couldn't help but
smile. He just looked so damn sexy when he was holding a baby. If this is what
he did to me every time we had a child, I was going to forever be pregnant.
Gray let me hold Daniel quicker than I expected, but I knew he knew what I
needed at the moment and he was an amazing man for giving me that without any
happy, Button?"
I whispered as I placed a kiss to Daniel's forehead.
going to head back to the room and see if Hannah and Theo are here yet. You
going to be okay?"
He bent down hugging both Daniel and me and then placed a kiss on both of our
Gray left, I was able to feed Daniel and change his diaper. I even offered to
give him a bath, but the nurse insisted that she do it because of everything he
was attached to. I was disappointed, but I also understood. I wanted my little
guy out of here sooner rather than later. After Daniel was happily fed and
burped, I snuggled him into the crook of my arm and rocked him back to sleep.
Just as I was placing him back in his crib, the doctor in charge of the NICU
came in to speak to me.
Weston, can I have a word with you?"
course." I kissed Daniel and then slowly waddled my way over to where the
doctor was standing.
son is doing much better today. As you can see we took him off of the
ventilator and he has been doing well with breathing on his own and eating, so
far. Do you have any questions for me?"
I do. When can we take Daniel home?"
he has to eat at least two ounces every three hours for the next twenty four
hours and then I don't see why he can't go home."
heart soared. This was the best news I had ever received. "Okay, that
sounds good to me. Could you please tell the nurses to not feed him, that I
will come in every three hours and do it?"
can. I'm glad he is doing better. Looks like he'll be napping for a bit. You
should go get some rest."
my pleasure."
    I moved
as quickly as I could to get to my wheelchair and make my way back to my room.
I couldn't wait to share the amazing news with everybody. Gray was coming out
of the room, just as I was wheeling myself in.
I was just coming to get you. How'd it go?"
my god, Gray. I got to talk to the doctor and he says as long as he eats at
least two ounces every three hours, he doesn't see why we can't take him home
I knew it, Gray had me out of the wheelchair and was spinning me around in his
arms. "That's the best news I've heard, in a long time."
    Just as
I was about to ask where everyone was, Gray carried me over to the bed and I
spotted everyone gathered around the small table and Charlie, as she colored.
Hannah quickly made her way to my side, and I instantly reached out for her. I
gave her the tightest hug I could manage, as tears rolled down my cheeks.
honey, why are you

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