Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3)

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Book: Read Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) for Free Online
Authors: Amanda Bennett
    "No .. . no , these are happy tears. We
might get to take Daniel home tomorrow."
Bennett, that's amazing. I like the name by the way."
too." I whispered.
Hannah pulled out of our embrace, Theo popped up on the other side of me,
pulling me into a giant bear hug. He held me longer than usual, but it was
never uncomfortable. Theo had basically become my big brother over the last
couple of years. There was nothing he wouldn't do for me, and there was
absolutely nothing we wouldn't do for him. He was a great man.
finally pulled back and kissed my wet cheek. "I'm so happy for you."
there was a loud knock at the door and I wondered if it was time for my meds
again. I was beyond shocked when I saw that breathtakingly beautiful man come
walking into my room.
everybody. Bennett, I just wanted to come by and give you these," he held
out a vase full of a dozen stargazer lilies, "and say congrats. So where
is the little guy?"
Hannah shouted.
it's okay. He's in the NICU, but he's doing great, so hopefully he will be home
with us tomorrow night. Thank you for the flowers, Ryan. That was very
watched as he took in Hannah's appearance, and I couldn't help but wonder what
was really going on with those two. I must not have been the only one, because
Gray and Theo were looking at Ryan like he was their last meal.
this is my husband Gray. And the bear over there is Hannah's boyfriend,
a pleasure to meet you guys." Gray shook his hand without hesitation, but
Theo was too busy burning holes through him. I had a feeling this wasn't going
to end well.

the fuck do you think you are coming in here, like you know these people?"
And here it goes.
calm the fuck down." I needed to interject before this shit got out of
there's no reason for him to even be here."
know, man. He just came by to say congrats, I don't think he is trying to move
in on your turf." Trying to calm Theo down was like trying to calm down an
angry bull. It usually didn't work.
right he did. He came here to see Hannah. I know it, and he knows it."
I'm sorry if you got the wrong impression, but I'm not interested in Hannah in
that way." Ryan gave Hannah an apologetic look.
right. Even a blind man would be interested in her."
couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous accusations and outlandish things that
were coming out of Theo's mouth. "Theo, you need to calm down. Charlie is
in here and she really doesn't need to see her Uncle Theo break some guy's
nose. Isn't that right pretty girl?" I glanced over at my beautiful little
girl who was completely oblivious to the current situation.
Her voice was so tiny. I just loved it.
Theo is sorry Charlie, but this man shouldn't be here."
go take this crap outside." Now I was just getting pissed off.
go." Theo was such a literal person.
I just came here to say congrats to Bennett and Gray. I'm not here to cause
problems. Congrats again." I shook Ryan's hand and walked him to the door,
thanking him on his way out. He didn't seem like a bad guy, but Theo was my
good friend and if I didn't have his back, I was in some deep shit.
what is your problem?" Here we go. Hannah was getting worked up, and when
Hannah got worked up, so did my wife. It's definitely not a good combination.
are you defending him, Hannah?" Theo growled.
not defending him, but jeez you were so fucking rude. I swear you always think
I'm cheating on you or that something shady is going on. Grow up, Theo."
grow up? Look at you. You work all day. I barely see you and then this? What am
I supposed to think Han?"
think you're supposed to trust me."
do, but man, you make it hard sometimes, that's for sure."
back off a little." I grabbed Theo's shoulder to pull him away from
Hannah, but he wasn't having it.

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