Read U.G.L.Y for Free Online Page A

Book: Read U.G.L.Y for Free Online
Authors: H. A. Rhoades
frozen where I had been hiding. I couldn't decide what to do. If I ran they would surely see me and follow. If I stayed they would find me hiding. I ran.

10 .
         I ran as fast as I could, I didn't know which direction I was going at first. My only impulse was to run away, away from the screams. Death was behind me and I knew it was faster than I was. After a several hundred yards I realized I was not running in any direction with a destination in mind. I was simply running for my life. I calmed a bit and adjusted so I could run to my house .
    I knew I only had minutes once I arrived because I lived only a few blocks away from town and at the rate the infected were attacking new victims they would surely be on my front door step in no time.
         When I arrived at my house I was completely out of breath, dizzy, and panicked. I struggled for control as I fumbled for my keys. I stopped and tried to slow my breathing down.
    I n the distance I could hear screams, n ot just the screams of the infected that came out of the woods, but the screams of the people in the bar that were being attacked . I looked back towards town and could see a faint red glow beginning to engulf the sky over town.
         I slammed open the front door , ran to my bedroom, and began grabbing whatever I could get to quickly. I stuffed some clean clothes that still sat in a pile on my bed and some emergency food stores I had set aside in the event of an earth quake into an old Navy sea bag. The stores weren’t much, just enough for a couple days.
    I started out of the room when I remembered I had some weapons tucked away in a closet . Quickly I slid open a drawer containing a few large military style knives. I collected knives and had plenty of different variations to pick from. I ran to the closet and opened it hard enough to knock the sliding door off its tracks. In the closet I had two guns, one was an old hunting riffle I had inherited from my father . The .30-6 hadn ’ t been fired in some time but I still had some shells from the one time I had taken it out to target shoot.
    The second gun was an old western style .22 that my dad used to hunt quail with a long time ago. I had not used it for anything except killing snakes and I had no ammunition with the exception of some snake shot rounds that were little more than BB's. Maybe I could get close enough to shoot one in the head, it might kill a person if they were hit in the right spot .
    I grabbed what I could, shoved the rest into the sea bag and ran for the front door, slowly opening it to make sure I wouldn't be surprised. Once I noticed that the nightmare had not yet reached my street I made a break for my car . I held onto an old green ford explorer . I used this car only for driving my kids places so it sat in the driveway most of the time. I hoped to god it would start.
         I reached the car and slipped inside. Pulling the keys out of my pocket, I calmly disengaged the theft system and slipped the key in the ignition, closed my eyes and turned. The car fired up with some struggle but it started. I slammed it into reverse, and squealing the tires I headed for the street.
    Just as I pulled out of the driveway I looked behind me and there were several people running towards me. I thought for a minute about waiting for them to catch up, thinking they might be okay and just in need of help . I looked closer and could see that they were covered in blood, their mouths wide. They weren’t people anymore. T hey were infected and they were after me .
    “I have to get the kids” I mumbled , I was so anxious that I was having trouble focusing. I dropped the car into drive and floored it, speeding away from the approaching assailants I headed for Amanda's house on the other side of town.

11 .
         I raced through the narrow streets of town. T here was little traffic on the road, most people were settled into their homes

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