Twin Fantasies

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Book: Read Twin Fantasies for Free Online
Authors: Opal Carew
Tags: Erótica
and straightened his clothes.
    “I’d really like to see you again.” He helped her fasten her bra.
    She pulled on her dress and smoothed it into place. He adjusted it so that the top lay straight over her breasts, the touch of his fingers sending tingles across her skin.  She pushed the elevator button and they progressed downward.
    “But then, it wouldn’t be a stranger fantasy, would it?” The doors opened and she stepped into the lobby. The desk clerk glanced up, then his gaze returned to his computer screen.
    “I’ll walk you to your car.” His arm slid around her waist.
    They walked down a hallway then out a side door.  “Are you saying you won’t see me again?” he asked as he followed her past the first row of cars.
    She stopped at her small red Toyota Echo in the middle of the second row and unlocked the door.
    “If I saw you again, then it wouldn’t be a one-night stand with a stranger. Now, if you were a pirate . . .” He grabbed her and dragged her into his arms for a passionate kiss.
    “I can be a pirate.”
    “And you’d be a damned fine one, too,” she responded breathlessly.
    She glanced at her watch. Five forty-three.
    “I’ve really got to go.”
    She reached for the door handle, but he clutched her hand.
    “Aurora, at least tell me your last name.”
    She laughed. “You’re really into this, aren’t you?” She cupped his cheeks and kissed him sweetly. “Thank you so much for tonight. You don’t know what it means to me.” She climbed into her car and started the engine.  Jake watched her, feeling completely helpless. She didn’t want to see him again. His gut twisted into a knot.  She glanced at her watch. “If I hurry, I won’t be late. I hope your meeting in Toronto goes well.”
    As he watched her drive away, he committed her license plate to memory, then her words surfaced to his consciousness.  How in hell did she know about his trip to Toronto?
    Jenna glanced at the calendar beside the fridge and counted again, knowing she wouldn’t find any change in her calculation, but doing it anyway.
    Damn, definitely late.
    Jenna shoved her hair back from her face as she slumped onto the cream and beige stool in front of her kitchen island and plunked her elbows on the oak countertop. She glanced at the clock over the doorway, counting the seconds to one minute, then she picked up the little blue wand sitting in the plastic stand beside her. She stared at it, blinking. A plus sign stared back at her.
    She stuck the wand back onto the stand and dropped her face into her hands.
    Oh, God, she was pregnant.
    The phone rang and her back stiffened. She crossed to the desk by the fridge and plucked up the receiver.  “Hey, girl, how’s it going?” At the sound of Cindy’s cheerful voice Jenna broke into tears.
    “Jenna, honey, what’s wrong?”
    “I’m pregnant.” She sobbed.
    “Pregnant? I thought you and Ryan weren’t. . . oh, except for last Saturday.”
    “That’s right. Saturday. And you know me. I ‘m regular as clockwork. When my period didn’t start on Monday, I started to worry. I ‘m now four days overdue . . . and I ‘m never overdue.” She sobbed again.
    “Except that one time last year,” Cindy reminded her.  Jenna started to pace. The spiral cord of the phone knocked over her pen mug, scattering pens across the desk. She set the black and gold cup upright and scooped up the spilled pens as she talked.
    “Yeah, and I had that pregnancy test left over.” “I remember. You bought the double pack because it’s cheaper that way and I said you wouldn’t need another one.” “And you were wrong.” Jenna tapped a pencil on the desktop.
    “I did suggest you put the extra money into condoms,” Cindy replied gently.
    “I know. I got sloppy. But when you’re as regular as I am, it’s easy to believe it won’t

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