Trapped in Time 1: The Time Takers
his objection. However, he doesn’t think she will achieve victory over that monster. Even the men don’t stand much of a chance.”
    Andy stared at Togawa and Maxus and they saw his anger at being forced in to sacrificing Linnae. Both of them began wondering just who was the most dangerous person in the cave. Andy said, “We’ll go out in two weeks.” The crowd started talking and Andy held up his hands. The crowd grew silent. “I keep hoping someone in here will start thinking. It appears none of you are.”
    Joshua said, “What do you mean?”
    “I would think that anyone even thinking about leading us would think this thing through. It appears no one is even looking around to see what we have.” Andy looked at Maxus and Togawa. “If we can assume that the ones that put us here aren’t bad, do you think they would just drop us off without some means of feeding us?”
    Everyone started looking at each other and Joshua said, “There’s nothing here to feed us.” Andy shook his head and walked through the people around him to the wall where he had made his home. Everyone followed him and Andy put his hand into a small indentation in the wall. He felt a lever with his index finger and he pulled it; suddenly, a section of the wall disappeared. The inside of the room was filled with titanium arrows and compound bows. The sudden intake of breath was loud. Andy walked down the wall until he found an indentation with nothing in front of it; he put his hand in it and pulled the lever. The wall disappeared and everyone saw boxes stacked to the ceiling. Many wondered what material was used to create the box; they had never seen cardboard. Andy pulled a box out and opened the lid. He took out a clear container and inside it was corn. Andy pulled the top off and used his hand to take some out and put it in his mouth. The crowd started moving forward and Andy held up his hand, “Stop!”
    The crowd stopped and Joshua said, “Why?”
    “We don’t know how much we have in here. We don’t know if this is the only room with food or if there are others. Whoever leads us is going to have to develop a plan to use this to feed us until we learn the behaviors we’ll need to survive. We can’t allow this to become a reason for us to fight each other to possess it. We have to work together to make sure we use it wisely.”
    Maxus listened to Joshua interpret and said, “How long have you known this was here?”
    “I saw the indentations as soon as I woke up. I suspected there were things we would need to survive inside the walls but if they were revealed before all of you realized the situation we’re in, what do you think would have happened?”
    Maxus stared at Andy. The large Viking said, “We would have fought each other for it.” Maxus looked at the Viking as Joshua interpreted and grudgingly nodded.
    An Indian yelled from across the cave and Joshua said, “He says the wall doesn’t work for him.”
    Andy’s eyes narrowed and he walked across the cave to where the Indian was standing. He put his hand in the wall and nothing happened. He smiled. Joshua said, “What?”
    “The doors will only open on a scheduled basis. Our captors will not allow us access to everything at once. I’m sure there are things behind some of these doors that we’ll need later…if we manage to survive.”
    Maxus said, “I will accept you as our leader with no reservations. We will follow your orders without complaint or hesitation.”
    Togawa said, “We will follow you as well.” The Vikings were the last to swear their support as the large Leader said, “We will place our honor aside and not allow other’s remarks to tarnish our family. Our feud is with the creatures outside this cave.”
    Andy sighed and said, “Good, Linnae will not have to go out and face the Allosaurus.”
    Maxus and Togawa shook their head. Maxus said, “Yes she will.”
    Andy looked at him and said, “So you’re challenging me on my first

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