Trapped in Time 1: The Time Takers
    Joshua interpreted and he said, “No, this decision was made prior to you becoming our leader.”
    “You’re asking me to send the woman I love more than anything to go out and confront that creature. Do you honestly think she can do that and survive? That is going to have to be proven to me before I allow her to face that danger outside our cave.”
    Linnae put her hand on Andy’s arm, “I have to do it. Surely you can see I’m right.” Andy stared in Linnae’s blue eyes and she said, “Or were you not being honest about the women learning how to defend themselves?”
    Andy looked at Maxus, who said, “If you order me on this, I will obey. However, would you send the one you love out that opening?”
    Andy looked at Maxus, then at Linnae, and said, “That is exactly what I’ll be doing if this happens. However, I can’t ask you to do what I refuse to do. We’ll go out in two weeks.” Everyone in the cave heard Andy and they all turned and looked at Linnae who had tears in her eyes. Many of the women in the cave rolled their eyes and knew they had waited too long to make their move. Andy looked at Maxus and Togawa, “Go around the walls and see how many will open. Use people from each group at the doors to see it they’ll open for a different person. I want each group to select someone to be responsible for distributing the food in a rational fashion. No one may enter one of the rooms without the consent of the chosen tasked with rationing our stores.” The groups started talking among themselves and Andy yelled, “One more thing!” Everyone stopped what they were doing and Andy said, “We have to decide what language we’re going to use.”
    Joshua said, “What do you mean?”
    “We can’t be limited to only sending out teams from each group. We have to be able to communicate in one language. Discuss this among yourselves and be prepared to make a proposal this evening.” Andy looked at Linnae, “Come with me.”
    • • •
    Andy moved toward his place on the wall and entered the room with the compound bows. He looked at the stacks and smiled, “Good.”
    “Good what?”
    “These bows are different sizes and pulls. Come over here and try this one.” Linnae walked over and Andy handed her a bow. “Pull the cable.” Linnae straightened her left arm as she pulled the bow’s cord. “No, no, no. Hold the bow out from your left side with a straight left arm. Now tilt the top of the bow to the right.”
    “Why would I do that?”
    “I’m going to teach you how to shoot arrows at high speed. Keeping the bow perpendicular to the ground will give you greater accuracy but will slow you down. I’m going to teach you to fire them extremely fast into a small target area.” Linnae lifted the bow and Andy moved her arm and straightened her elbow. “Have your left hand level with your eyes.” Linnae moved her arm higher and Andy said, “Good. Now put the index and middle fingers of your right hand on the cable.” Linnae put her right hand on the bow and Andy said, “Put your right hand down and do it again without moving the bow out of position. I also want you to place your right hand on the left side of the bowstring with the back of your hand toward your face.”
    “But my hand will be upside down.”
    “That is the method you’ll have to learn so you can shoot fast. Now let me show you how to do it slowly.” Andy demonstrated the move and Linnae went thorough it twenty times before Andy said, “Now extend the bow and move your right hand to the cable without changing the position of the bow.” Andy stopped her before she had barely lifted her right hand. “Do it again. Do it again. Do it again.”
    After an hour Linnae’s left arm was getting weary. The bow was lightweight but even small weights get heavy after a while. “Are you trying to run me away?”
    Andy moved forward and pulled Linnae into his arms and held her tight, “I am trying to save your life. You have

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