Transcending the Legacy
mumbles, “Yeah, mine too, plus some bonus material.”
    Ezra’s eyes snap to her. “Like what?”
    Monica answers, “Visions. An ancient place.”
    Nate admits, “I’m seeing some things also.”
    Xander looks at Nate curiously.
    I’m about to ask Nate what he means when Nick interrupts, nudging Monica. “Will we be stronger than before too?”
    Monica sha kes her head, still studying me. “Not sure. Time will tell. Here, let the girl up.”
    The soldiers cautiously release me and Monica stretches her hand out for me to take. I take hold of it and pull myself up to stand next to her.
    The soldier with the gruff voice stretches his hand out to me. “Captain Jason Briggs. Just call me Briggs.”
    I extend my hand and take hold of his. “Jesca Gershon Kahn, the strong little gal. Just call me Jesca.”
    Briggs smirks at my comment.
    Concerned, I turn to Sebastian and Ezra. “I could have taken it down, killed it. When I was using my Qi against that Dweller...”
    Briggs, Elisha, and Nick immediately interrupt, “Dweller?”
    Xander, “Wait, you named them?”
    Ezra answers for me, “Yes.”
    “It occupies and consumes us. It dwells, inhabits us, until there is no soul, no part of us left. When I was using my Qi against it, I wanted to attack it. I wanted it to die. I have never wanted to kill something so badly in my life.”
    “It’s to be expected.”
    I turn toward the familiar voice beyond our huddled group. It is none other than Daniel Reneaux.

    Sebastian strides over to him, pulling him into an embrace. “Daniel, what are you doing here? Why are you not at the facility in Georgia? Is everything alright?”
    As they pull apart, Daniel nods and looks at all of us. “Everything is as good as to be expected in Georgia.”
    He looks at Sebastian, “Your sons, daughter-in-law, grandchildren -” then he looks at Corinna, “Isabel...they are all safe within the facility under the Etowah Mounds.”
    Daniel moves past Sebastian and toward the center of the room, closer to me. He looks at Ezra briefly, nods and greets him, “Ezra.”
    He doesn’t budge, just stares at him stoic, arms crossed, with his mouth set in a thin line. I would be pissed too. Sebastian confided in Daniel long ago about the legacy, the mounds, the Onoch lineage. Both of them along with my deceased mother Ana, kept it shrouded from him. Ezra couldn’t very well hold it against the deceased, but he could hold it against the living.
    Sensing the chill in the room aimed at Daniel, Nick mumbles audibly, “The wrath of Ezra returns.”
    Ignoring Nick’s comment, Ezra strides over to Daniel. Seeing his heated advance, Sebastian, Jake and Xander move in on Ezra.
    Ezra glances at the guardians approachi ng then meets Daniel eye to eye. “I’m not going to attack anyone. I just want to know what you know. You seem to have been entrusted by Sebastian when no one else was.”
    Sebastian interrupts Ezra’s rant by calling out his name, but he doesn’t let up.
    His voice cracks, “ Ana knew about the legacy and never said a word to me, even after we married and Jesca was born.” Ezra’s eyes lower and he covers his mouth, attempting to settle the building emotions within him. “When Ana died, Sebastian told me to meet with you. After leaving Jesca, my only child, with the Sera’s, I came to you, broken. I asked you to watch over Jesca, guide her, when I couldn’t. The whole time I was going through the motions, you knew about the legacy the Onoch bloodline she carried and you didn’t say anything.”
    Sebastian interrupts him, placing his hand on Ezra’s shoulder. “Ezra, we didn’ t know how the legacy would affect Jesca. It could have left her untouched.”
    Ezra shrugs it off and moves closer to Daniel, nose to nose now. I wedge my myself between them to stop anything before it starts. Ezra’s eyes shift to meet mine, but they don’t linger as they quickly move back to Daniel’s waiting an answer.
    Daniel’s voice is

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