Transcending the Legacy
where would I go? I feel the humming within me shift to a mushrooming force deep inside of me. My inner energy; my Qi. I haven’t tried releasing it since being back in our world. What if I can’t release it? Monica said our abilities might change or not come back at all. The figure crouches low and teases, first moving in toward me fast and bestially, then slow and calculating. One of the soldiers blocks its advance, but he has no effect. The Dweller tosses the soldier aside like a crumbled piece of paper and continues pursuing its target; me. Okay, here goes nothing.
    I focus on the swelling power inside of me, pulling it deep within my chest until I feel like I’m going to burst. I remember this feeling, this growing, building white fire feeling I had beyond the veil when I tried to stop Michael from crossing back over to our universe, our world.
    With the Dweller inches fro m me, I release the power I have grown, aiming it straight into the core of the repulsive predator. I watch the power take shape as it pours from me; glowing white vapor escalating from my body and hitting the Dweller in its center. Upon impact, the Dweller is tossed backward, inches from the threshold separating the world from the compound entrance. My abilities are working! The Dweller’s recoil spurs me on and I don’t hold anything back. I draw deeper within and heave a stronger second wave of energy at the Dweller. The being is uprooted from the ground and thrust with full force into the metal doors. With the force of my Qi still bearing down on it, the Dweller is pinned to the metal writhing and squirming, trying to break away from my attack. The more it writhes, the more it drives me to redeem the crumbled mortal it has occupied and brought to death. Suddenly, I hear gears shift and the metal doors I have this creature pinned to, separate. The Dweller takes hold of the sliver of deliverance, extends one of its flailing limbs and pulls itself through the small opening and out into the dark night.
    “No!” Supercharged by the use of my Qi, I rush the metal doors ready to wedge my hands into the small crevice and pry it open.
    In the distance behind me , I think I hear someone yell, “Stop her!”
    One second I am centimeters from touc hing metal, the next I am blindsided by something large and fully padded with metal tactical gear. The soldier drops me to the ground like a sack of potatoes, wind knocked from my lungs on contact.
    Once I catch my breath, I whoop and holler, “What the hell are you doing? I had it! We can’t let it go!”
    Ignoring my rant, Xander yells, “What the hell was that? That wasn’t what we saw beyond the veil!”
    Ezra is pacing above me mumbling as the soldier struggles to keep me pinned to the ground.
    Jake snickers, “That’s right, you haven’ t seen them in action here on Earth.”
    I start to push and shove the soldier that has clobbered me, when another soldier, equally padded, takes hold of both my arms and locks them to the ground. As I put up a fight, he groans, “Damn, she is strong for a little gal.”
    He was right, I did seem too strong for a ‘little gal’, even with the abilities that I had prior to the veil. What I just did was stronger than what I had ever done before the veil.
    Monica comes into view and peers down at me. Monica smirks and looks up at Ezra, Xander, Sebastian, Nate, and the rest of the team that are now hovering around me. “She is definitely stronger. Her abilities are staring to return.”
    The gruff voiced soldier kneels next to me, looks at me then back at Monica. “This is the one you were talking about?”
    My glare darts from Monica to the soldier as I ask angrily, “The one you were talking about?”
    I push against the hands holding me down, not enjoying the commentary while I am laying splayed under two heavily equipped soldiers.
    Nick’s voice breaks in, “Does that mean all of our abilities should return?”
    Ezra agrees, “Mine have started.”

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