Training Amy

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Book: Read Training Amy for Free Online
Authors: Anne O'Connell
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
she closed the book she was looking at in a panic realizing the pictures of the bound women inside excited her.
                Not seeing them bound per se, but imagining being bound up like they were.  After a few minutes she was able to compose herself, finish pulling the rest of the list, and take it back to the counter. By this time Kali and her furniture were gone. She stifled a smile. Books and made-to-order specialty furniture, it was an odd combination.
                Going through the list quickly, Eric checked to make sure everything was there. Once again, Brad was behind the desk looking at the computer. "Eric, take a look." He turned the monitor toward Eric.
                "Oh, nice," said Eric.
                She rolled her eyes when she saw what they were looking at. "Custom built saw horses? Seriously? Why is the top padded?"
                Both men burst into laughter.
                "To keep the wood from getting scuffed," Brad said with a chuckle.
                Eric broke out laughing again.
                Men. It always amazed her how seriously they took their tools and shop equipment. She shook her head and went back to the non-fiction section to straighten up a shelf she noticed earlier that someone had already messed up. 
                Nine o'clock came quickly. Since she still had no one able to pick her up, tonight it was Eric who drove her home. He drove a restored '65 black Mustang with a leather interior. 
                Once they were both seat-belted in, he turned to her. "Ready?"
                Her eyes went wide. "Are you going to drive like an asshole?"
                He laughed. "No, I'll drive carefully. But I sometimes have to, you know, work the bugs out of the engine by flooring it."  With that, he pulled out of the parking lot onto the street. "You'll have to tell me where to go since Brad has had the pleasure of taking you home regularly for two weeks now."
                Conversation was tremendously easier with Eric. "So how did you get into selling furniture?"
                He laughed again. "It's just something we do."
                "What kind of furniture?"
                He seemed to think about this for a moment. "Specialty stuff."
                Then it hit her. "Oh, like theme stuff? I have a girlfriend who is really into the middle-ages and she had to order some cross frame chairs from a place in Chicago."
                "Exactly like that," he agreed. “We just have a lot of local customers who prefer to buy it from us. People who frequent our club," he stopped dead then tried to change the subject. "So straight on Sycamore, then a right at sixty-eighth?"
                "Yeah," she said. No, it hadn't gone unnoticed that he changed the subject. "You guys have a club?"
                "Just a private thing we have on the side with a few other friends. They run it, we're just investors really."  He turned strangely silent.
                She knew she should probably just leave it alone and so she did. "So my parents go to bed at eight-thirty every night and my friends are all blowing me off so it might take me a bit longer to arrange a steady ride than I'd hoped..."
                "That's okay," he said brightly. "I don't mind driving you home. I'm pretty sure Brad doesn't mind either."
                That's when she recalled the look Eric had given Brad earlier. “So am I doing a good job?”
                “Of course, why?” he looked over at her with a bit of concern. “Did you think maybe we didn’t think you were doing well? Because I assure you you’re doing great. We have plans to keep you as long as we can. Having you around is going to mean Brad and I can take more time off.”
                She yawned but didn’t want to stop the

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