Training Amy

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Book: Read Training Amy for Free Online
Authors: Anne O'Connell
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
                Brad shook his head. "Don't look at me like that woman."
                Kali turned and looked expectantly at Amy. At that point, Amy felt outnumbered and intimidated and wished there was a place she could hide. "No?" Kali asked. Then she turned to Brad and Eric with a raised eyebrow.
                Eric had one of those don't-talk-about-this-around-her looks on his face. Brad shook his head. "No. Amy is our shop assistant and she only deals with the books."
                "Pity," Kali said, looking Amy up and down again. "Oh well, I suppose I can give it a go without a test subject."
                "Come on back." He and Kali slipped into the back.
                Eric visibly relaxed. "Dommes," he muttered under his breath.
                Amy gave him a puzzled look. "What?"
                "Nothing," he gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Don't pay any attention. Some of our private collectors and special customers are a bit eccentric. If any of them ever give you any trouble and one of us isn't right here, just tell them you only deal with the merchandise out here and then immediately grab either me or Brad, okay?"
                “Okay.” Her mind raced with what they could possibly be selling in the back that first off, required testing, and second, would bring in interesting characters like Kali and that motorcycle gang looking guy from last that first night she’d worked here. Since she couldn't come up with anything she decided to ask. "So what exactly are you guys selling in the back rooms?"
                He gave her a look that told her she was treading on forbidden ground.
                She gave him a smile, knowing Eric wasn't nearly as scary as Brad, and if she could charm him enough he'd at least give her a clue. "Okay, so it's clearly not books. Neither of you look like drug dealers and neither do your clients but they do look a little," she paused, searching for the right word. "Scary," she finished thoughtfully.
                He laughed. "Actually, some of it is rare, out of print books. Some of it is imported merchandise or specialty stuff."
                "What's she here for then?" She looked at the door leading to the back room when she heard a pop noise.
                "Furniture and specialty items," Eric said carefully. He handed her a phone order sheet. "Here, go pull these books for this order. The woman is going to be in for them tomorrow."
                She took the list just as the door to the back swung open and Kali breezed out.
                "It's perfect, Eric. You and Brad always take care of me." She kissed him on the cheek, leaving a little red lipstick there. She wiped at his cheek. "So here is my receipt. Brad is taking it out the back and loading it in my car. Where did you find it?"
                Amy buried her nose in the list and pretended to look it over.
                Eric went to the cash register and started ringing Kali up. "We have a guy in Bridgeport who makes it all by hand. That will be thirteen-hundred-forty-two and sixteen cents."
                Amy thought she was going to choke on her own disbelief but held herself steady, regarding the list even longer. Once she was certain she was lingering too long, she cautiously made her way out from behind the counter and went into stacks to pull the books on the list. Concentrating on her task was easy. The first two books were on the erotica shelf and both were in stock. She flushed red when she realized the rest of the books were in the bdsm non-fiction section. She pulled each title carefully, curiously sneaking a look into the books only to see pictures of women bound by ropes and suspended in air, along with pictures of sex toys. A male customer was browsing the political section in the next aisle. Swallowing, hard,

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