Tonight and Forever

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Book: Read Tonight and Forever for Free Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
things are between us, the better off we’ll both be. We’re like oil and water. We don’t mix. I’m a realist and you’re a dreamer.”
    “Why? Because I believe in fate?”
    “Yes, which means you probably believe there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You think every marriage should be like the one you had—made in heaven. I found out the hard way that’s not true. No one gets married expecting doom, but it happens to the best of us. Unfortunately, statistics have proved it happens to most. I believe true love and a happy marriage are things only shared by a select few.”
    “I happen to disagree with that assessment,” Justin replied, his voice low and sexy. “Sounds like you have a case of divorcitis,” he said, smiling mischievously, daring her to smile with him. Reluctantly, she did.
    Lorren wondered what there was about Justin that made just looking at him pleasurable, notwithstanding the ability to send her emotions into overdrive. “Divorcitis? Oh my gosh, Doctor. What’s that?” she asked teasingly, sounding like a frantic patient.
    The soothing rays of the early morning sun came through the window and shone on Lorren’s face, giving it a velvety brown softness. Justin thought she looked even more beautiful than last night. He cleared his throat and spoke in a professional tone. “It’s a condition that plagues divorcees when, for whatever reason, they refuse to accept the fact there’s life after a divorce. They seem to equate a divorce decree with a death decree. And you, Lorren Jacobs, have the usual symptoms.”
    Lorren decided not to tell him a death decree was not what she equated with her divorce. She’d considered her divorce a rebirth. “I gather a loss of appetite isn’t one of the symptoms,” she said, laughing at the ridiculousness of their conversation.
    Justin grinned. “Nope, your appetite isn’t affected; however, at times your peace of mind is. Since I’ve diagnosed your condition, and free of charge I might add, I don’t want to waste any time before starting to treat you. Time is of the utmost importance when handling a condition like yours.”
    “You don’t say, Doc?”
    “Oh, I do say,” he assured her with a smooth smile. “To leave it untreated could be detrimental to your well-being. However, when given the proper attention, the prognosis is excellent. And with the right dosage of tender, loving care, you’ll be good as new in no time.”
    Lorren’s laugh was soft. “Good as new? Really?”
    Justin’s smile widened. “Yeah, really.”
    “And just who’ll be giving me this TLC?”
    “I will.”
    “Ummm. To be on the safe side, maybe I should obtain a second opinion.”
    He leaned toward her. “A second opinion in your case isn’t necessary. I’m the only one who can diagnose your condition. And more importantly, I’m the only one with a cure. I’ll start you off with a mild dosage,” he said, his mouth inches from hers, “and when I think you’re ready for something stronger, I’ll see that you get it.”
    Lorren felt her heart skip a beat. Was Justin going to kiss her? Did she want him to? No! She had to keep her head on straight. But he had the most sensuous mouth. What would his lips feel like on hers?
    She crushed the thought and stepped back. “I think we’ve played this game long enough, Justin. Weren’t you about to leave?”
    Justin moved, closing the distance between them, He was so close, the tips of his shoes touched the tips of her flats. “I’ve changed my mind.”
    His voice had deepened and thickened. “I want to do something I could barely refrain from doing last night.”
    Justin’s lips brushed against hers as he spoke.
    A wild shudder of pleasure touched Lorren’s body. Blood coursed through her veins like a raging river. Succumbing to curiosity and the attraction she had fought since first meeting him, her lips parted.
    A groan rumbled in Justin’s throat as he closed his mouth over hers. He made sure

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