Tonight and Forever

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Book: Read Tonight and Forever for Free Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
Syneda’s father never came.
    Even believing that Scott actually loved her had not been enough to change Lorren’s mind about sleeping with him before marriage. At first, he had continued to hound her about it, but on that issue she had stood her ground.
    It was only after her marriage to Scott, which came exactly eight months to the day after they’d met, that Lorren discovered just how self-centered, overambitious, and controlling he was. After she had thoroughly disappointed him in bed on their wedding night, he’d been bent on making her life with him miserable.
    But he would keep her anyway, he’d told her, and had further elaborated that he believed in time she could develop technique and finesse a little more to his liking. Besides, he’d added, even with her shortcomings in the bedroom, she had other things going for her—looks and a promising career.
    It didn’t take her long to realize that he really didn’t need a wife, but a hostess for when he entertained his colleagues and associates. He’d told her countless times it was her duty as his wife to help advance his career.
    The only reason she’d stayed with him those two years, aside from her deep belief in their commitment, was that she hadn’t wanted to be a failure by giving up on their marriage or on him.
    In the end, all she’d gotten out of her marriage with Scott was the stripping away of her pride and confidence. That was the price she’d paid for loving him.
    Bringing her thoughts back to the present, Lorren responded to Justin’s question. “Yes, I met my ex-husband there.” She quickly changed the subject, not wanting to talk to Justin about Scott.
    “What brought you to a small town like Ennis? I would think this place is rather boring to someone from Houston.”
    Taking the hint she didn’t want to discuss her ex-husband, Justin answered, “I’d lived in a big city all my life and wanted to try a small town.” He smiled. “Senator Malone and my father attended Morehouse together, and when Ms. Nora told him about Dr. Powers’s retirement, and that the town was in need of a general practitioner, he contacted me to see if I was interested.”
    A wry smile curled up the corners of Lorren’s mouth. She could just imagine the single women’s reaction to the town’s new doctor. Especially one as handsome as Justin. Her smile faded when she remembered all the pain she’d endured after being taken in by a handsome face. She was determined not to get sucked into that kind of hurt and heartbreak again.
    “I feel stuffed. Breakfast was really good. Thanks.” She stood and began clearing the table.
    Justin picked up on the sudden change in her. She acted as if she was in a hurry for him to leave. For some reason, the amiable time between them had ended. “I’ll help with the dishes.”
    She shook her head. “There’s no need. I’m probably one of the few women alive who enjoys doing dishes. When I lived with Mama Nora, I used to make money off the other kids when it was their week for kitchen duty.”
    Justin grinned. “As much as I like cooking, I’ve never developed a fondness for washing dishes. And washing pots is really the pits.” He stood. “At least let me help you clear the table.”
    The two of them removed the dishes from the table, then Justin took his leave. As they approached the front door, he asked, “Are you sure you won’t change your mind about going swimming?”
    “Yes, I’m sure.”
    Justin studied her face for a moment. “How about dinner tonight? I know of this swell restaurant in Dallas that serves wonderful seafood. Then afterward I can take you dancing. There’s this nice—”
    “Justin, I won’t go out with you.” Lorren paused as she formulated her words. “It was fun sharing breakfast with you, but I don’t think we should overdo it.”
    Justin rested against the closed door. “What do you mean?”
    “We shouldn’t make it a habit, spending a lot of time together. The fewer personal

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