Read Tobias (A CURSED BOYS NOVEL Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Tobias (A CURSED BOYS NOVEL Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Jessa Rozsas
at me.
     “Who said I don’t have any friends?”
      “I do. You don’t have any friends.” Tristan came into the room in nothing but a pair of shorts. How did I not notice his tattoos last week when he pulled off his hulk moment and ripped his shirt? Oh right, I was too busy eye fucking Tobias from across the yard to notice Tristan.
     He had a claw mark tattoo that extended from his shoulder all the way across his chest reaching the top of his abdomen. It was huge, and looked amazing on his body. He even had a trail of stars that lead from his hip to his crotch. No wonder Amelia jumped his bones every night. The guy was hot.
     “I do too have friends. They just have enough sense to not want to come anywhere near you.” Tobias’s voice brought me back to reality.
     Tristan and Tobias picked on each other a lot, but they seemed really close. It was amazing how well they got along considering Tristan was banging his brother’s ex-wife.
     “So twinkle toes, why are you cooking? You never cook.” Tristan reached for the bowl of grapes in front of Tobias only to have his hand smacked by the flat side of a knife.
     Tristan didn’t even so much as flinch or care that his brother could have just cut him. It wasn’t even a soft tap either. If the knife had been turned even slightly Tristan would have needed stitches.
     “It’s cupcakes birthday.”
    What the fuck? How did he even know that? I didn’t even know that. I had completely managed to lose track of time.
      “Well damn, Happy Birthday blueberry!”
     Tristan’s large arms wrapped around me from behind and pulled me into a bear hug that was way too tight. If he held me any longer I’d have probably passed out from a lack of oxygen.
     “Paws off mutt!” Tobias practically growled the words at his brother.
     “Wait. How did you even know it was my birthday today?”
     “I have my ways.”
      “Care to elaborate?”
     “No, not really.” He gave me a cheeky smile then handed me a plate full of food.
     Bacon, eggs, hash browns, pancakes and toast were all laid out and practically piled on top of each other.
      “Um, question. Where the hell do you expect me to put all this? It’s bigger than my head.”
     “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
      This was the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a long time. Ever since my mother died my birthday hasn’t meant anything more than just another day. My sister would still get me a card but we couldn’t afford presents.
     “Thank you Tobias.” I walked around the island and wrapped my arms around his torso. He doesn’t seem like the hugging type but I wasn’t giving him a choice. I pulled him against me and squeezed him.
     I was surprised when I felt his arms slide around my back. This is the most affection I’ve ever seen him show and it lit my entire body on fire. There was an ache between my legs that begged for contact.
     It didn’t help that I could feel his erection pressing against my stomach through his jeans. There were so many things I’d love to do to this man right now except his brother was standing there watching.
     “So are you two going to fuck? Because if so, I’m taking the food.”
      I let go of Tobias and grabbed my plate.  
      “Don’t even think about it.”
     Tristan actually pouted and it had to be the cutest thing I had ever seen. I almost felt bad for him. I picked up a piece of my bacon and threw it at him. His reflexes were so amazing I almost didn’t register his reaction. Tristan had caught the piece of bacon in his mouth and was already chewing it.
     “What do you want to do today birthday girl?” Tobias looked at me and something in his eyes told me he wanted me just as badly as I wanted him.
     “Well it would be nice to go into town and-“
     “No.” Both the twins answered in unison. They needed to stop doing that; it was getting freaky.
      "Great so even on my birthday I’m still a prisoner."
     I glared at both of them

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