To Tame the Hunter

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Book: Read To Tame the Hunter for Free Online
Authors: Unknown
me away from him would be a nice coup for you and would probably serve to
    annoy him for a while. But the real risk in not separating me from Richard is mat eventually I may manage
    to convince him you really are dangerous. I might put him on guard before it’s too late…“ Her words trailed
    off as she struggled to imagine what harm this man could do Richard in a purely practical sense.
    „I can make it worth your while to leave Anderson,“ York said with cool arrogance. Having tested the
    bouquet, he was now eyeing the pale gold color of his wine as if it were of supreme importance. He was
    clearly going to ignore her deduction and the ensuing charge.
    „I should be insulted by that suggestion,“ Selena said grimly. „On the other hand, why should I bother
    acting outraged? It’s only what I expected.“
    „No, there’s no need to go through the exercise. I knew it wouldn’t work in the first place.“ He nodded
    „Then why did you make the attempt to bribe me?“ she snapped angrily. It was going to be difficult
    hanging on to her temper around this man. Somehow, though, the prospect of losing it altogether seemed
    risky. He would find a way to use any lack of emotional control to his advantage. Selena wasn’t sure how
    he could do so, but her intuition warned of the possibility. The man was dangerous and growing more so by
    the minute.
    „I had to run through all the various approaches before I used the most ruthless one,“ York said,
    watching her with a level expression. „You literally ran from my arms last night and this evening you’re
    refusing the bribe. Doesn’t leave me much choice, does it?“
    „You mean sex and money haven’t worked so now you’re going to drag out the really big guns?“ she
    mocked, every instinct aware and alert and beginning to sound a warning. „You’re bluffing, York. There’s
    nothing left to try. I’m not going to abandon Richard for your doubtful charms or your money. Whatever
    made you think I’d be tempted by the latter, anyway?“ she pressed, trying to score whatever small victory
    she could. „If I were shopping for a man who could guarantee me a tidy income, I chose right the first time,
    didn’t I? You’re doing very well for yourself, you’re on the way up, but Richard has already arrived!“
    „Ummm, that may be true,“ York agreed musingly, lounging back into the depths of the chair. It was
    uncanny, Selena reflected grimly, how her nervousness seemed to be increasing in direct proportion to the
    ease with which he was making himself at home! „The problem,“ he went on far too mildly, „is that while
    he may have arrived, so to speak, he can’t make a place for you beside him up there at the top.“
    „What in the world are you talking about?“ she demanded softly.
    There was a small pause and then York said, each word a deliberate chip of ice, „He’s married, Selena.
    And off hand I’d say there’s almost no possibility of a divorce. I can prove it.“

    Selena’s gloved fingers were still shaking as she turned the key in the lock of the resort condominium in
    Utah a day later. She told herself it was from the cold. The adjustment from sunny Pasadena to the
    snow-covered mountains twenty miles outside of Salt Lake City was enough to make any civilized
    Californian shake, but honesty compelled her to admit that the involuntary response could still be attributed
    to sheer fury.
    The scene with Richard Anderson had not been pleasant.
    She’d owed him a chance to explain, a chance to deny the accusations York Sutherland had lodged, and
    Selena had given Richard that chance even though a part of her had known that Sutherland had been telling
    the truth. He wasn’t the kind of man to resort to lies.
    Neither man, she realized, could have estimated the explosive extent of her reaction. Finding oneself
    involved with a married man simply wasn’t that uncommon in the state that prided itself in being on the
    cutting edge

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