mind. Call it
"John, I will cook Korean Luxury
Fire Meat. Tune the channel."
"Close the door. I closed the
Ana thought of her brother, at
this time of day, at this kind of day.
She thought he was not cold
blooded. He was just resilient. It was in his blood.
'I must have been heavily drunk.
All these years. What am I doing here? I do not take any cash out
of this. I do not take any commission either. In order to make a
better decision. In order to keep my reputation. No cash. That is
funny. So why am I doing this? The reason? I feel them. I feel
them. I feel their thighs, I can see them. They deal a few millions
a day. They loose a few millions a day. What time is this? Half
past nine on friday. They are still there. I can see you. Chewing
gum, not much tired, trying to finish today in a nice way. You are
chewing something. You think 'oh well, it's about finishing time.
fuck it.' Then again, you are intrigued in the last minute. Last
five minutes. If you jump in right, you can make a hundreds at
least. Forty minutes left. You are wondering... Shall I go home to
shag or shall I stay and go home to shag?'
'I do not know where I am. Do
'I know I was in hell. But I bring
down the whole heaven down here. What do you think?'
'Good Job?'
'59.99 do you know what this
'if yes, you are ok. if no, you
have no chance.'
13 Dec 2014
"Saturday Morning briefing:
1. US energy bonds trading as
distressed securities. (FT)
2 . Compelled investors sold
shares and corporate bonds. (trying to find safer place to
:Turmoil of fund. Money started
flowing violently. Yee haw! Surfing USA!!!"
"WTI 57.81: 60.00 was a kind of
resistance line. Once it's broken, there is no buttom."
"Oil and 10yr go together."
"Do not use Bloomberg terminal.
Something wrong. At least for a week until it's fixed."
"Personally I
do not think that anybody can rest this weekend. It's like Gulf
stream. If you do not join the current in time, you loose your
whole tribe."
Ana sent a little email to
" 유가 급락으로 인한 미 10 년 국채 부도 예상 , 급전환 바람 (US 10 yr bonds will be dishonored by significant oil price
drop. Request of urgent reconversion)."
She sent another little email
to Yamamoto Sense in Tokyo.
"Hayaku Shinakereba Narimasen.
Mono Sugoku Abunai Jotaidesu. (You cannot help doing fast. It is a
highly dangerous state."
She knows this silence. The
silence before the typhoon. Utterly quiet and slightly steamy. So
quiet, you can hear the movement of nervous insects. She used to
pack her passport and cash in case.
14 Dec 2014
Ana woke up in a shit state. She
had a dream. She had to do two MAs. Full of shit stuff to do. Her
husband was so drunk, he did not recognize her. Her best friend was
seducing him, telling her to join them. She just turned around to
her desk and tried to figure out how many hours are left and
whether she could finish them within those limited hours.
Desperation, anger and sweat woke her up. It took a few minutes to
realize that all those things were dream. Still they were haunting
'What do I have to do? What do I
have to do? No idea. If I know what I am doing, I cannot do it. I
cannot do it.'
That's her Sunday morning start.
She did not know how much money she moved the day before. She does
not want to know either. Quite a lot. Actually she did not move the
money. She sent a few texts and emails and calls to the ones who
has money. Sometimes she feels like a little pocket monster. Not a
Pikachu. Rather a Jigglypuff. As soon as she starts singing,
everybody starts falling asleep. While they are sleeping, their
money starts shifting around. When they wake up, they find their
pockets full of money. They are satisfied, so they do not
"John, I will adjust my
"Hangover again, Ana? Do not drink
too much."
"It's all Mario's fault. He
started talking about quantom physics again yesterday. His theory
drove me mad. I cannot stand him."