Threads That Bind (Havoc Chronicles Series Book 1)

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Book: Read Threads That Bind (Havoc Chronicles Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Brant Williams
Tags: Fantasy
this monumental? Wasn’t he breaking some sort of unwritten dating rule by kissing me before even holding my hand? I mean, yeah, a kiss on the third date wasn’t setting any speed records, but this was taking me completely by surprise.
    As Josh leaned towards me, my heart began pounding in overdrive. I began to understand what people meant when they said that they felt like their heart was going to break out of their chest – mine felt like it was going for some sort of Olympic jumping record. He closed his eyes, pressed his lips to mine - and the world exploded into color.     
    It was like a veil had been pulled from my face and everything was suddenly clear. The colors all around me, the greens and browns of the trees, the pale yellow of the moon, the blue of Josh’s shirt became intense and bright. It was as if I had never seen real colors before, only the weak shadows of them, and now I was seeing the real thing.
    Thousands of sounds that had previously been inaudible flooded my ears. A hundred scents assaulted me, all jumbled together, but dominated by the glorious smell of Josh. Not the cologne he was wearing, although I could smell that too, but a scent underneath, more subtle, intoxicating, alluring.
    But it was the feel of Josh’s lips on mine that overwhelmed me. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation. It was electrifying. Exhilarating. I didn’t want it to ever stop.
    No sooner had I began to enjoy the kiss than Josh pulled back. I opened my eyes and saw that his face was a mask of fear, his eyes wide and horrified. “What’s happening?” he said.
    Completely baffled by his reaction – was I that bad of a kisser? - I looked down at myself and saw, a bright light surrounding me, enveloping me so completely that I couldn’t even see the color of my clothing. I was glowing. What was wrong with me?
    Seeking comfort, I grabbed for his hand. Something crunched, and he screamed, clutching at my wrist. Instinctively, I let go and pushed myself away from Josh, only to send him flying. He flew ten feet through the air, arms flailing, and smashed into a tree with a sickening thud. His limp body slid down the trunk and collapsed into a heap on the ground.
    I held up my hand, horrified at what I had done. I wanted to run to him, to see if he was all right, but I didn’t dare. What if I hurt him more? What if he was already dead?
    I stumbled to the river and peered into the water. My reflection was choppy, but with my enhanced vision I could see that I was glowing from head to toe, a brilliant white light surrounding me.
    What was happening to me?
    I turned back to Josh and saw him beginning to move. He was alive! I started toward him, but he raised a hand to stop me.
    “Keep away from me!” he said. He pushed himself up until he sat up with his back against the tree and cradled his crushed hand with his good one. His whole body trembled and his eyes were wide with terror.
    I took a step towards him. “Josh, I –”
    “Don’t come any closer,” he said.
    “Please, Josh,” I said. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s happening.” I took another step toward him. I had to make this right. I couldn’t stand the look of fear in his eyes.
    “Go away!” he shouted. His words hurt more than a physical blow.
    What was happening? How could any of this be real? He had just kissed me, how could he never want to see me again? I needed to get home, to be where things were normal.
    I turned around and ran as fast as I could.
    The trees blurred around me as I sped along the river path at a speed that shouldn’t have been possible. A hundred yards flew past in the space of a breath. I raced along the path, through the parking lot, and out onto the road with hardly any effort. I felt no more tired than if I had been going for a leisurely walk.
    Which I had been – before I almost killed Josh. I pushed that thought out of my mind. It was too much to process right now. I just needed to get home.

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