The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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Book: Read The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic for Free Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
an evening meal. As the day had gone well, she felt in a good mood, and deserving of a treat. As she was shown the bedroom, with its wide elaborately carved wooden four-poster bed, she sent Dawid away to his two carers. After locking the door, leaving just her and her commander in the room, she ordered him to strip off.
    She watched with great interest as the man slowly, almost tantalisingly removed each garment. Each item removed was a step nearer to the naked flesh she sought beneath them. Once his underclothes were off Dalia smiled at his arousal. She pondered; did he walk around with it in that position? Alternatively, was it just for her benefit? Either way she wasted no time, as she gently pushed him backwards to the bed. He lay there naked as the day he was born, ready for her to do as she wished. She had often thought would he be so keen on her if not for the compulsion spell on his mind. There was no way for her to find out now in any case. She did not know how to remove it even if she wanted to. Wasting no more time on such frivolous thoughts, she started removing her own attire. Once undressed, she climbed up on top of her commander, before lowering herself gently down onto him.
    Outside, the soldiers who had defiantly stood against her were lined up. She had arranged an elaborate initiation ceremony for any new soldiers to her ranks. This initially consisted of them repeating an oath to serve under her. Once that charade was over with, each man's name and age was written down, before they were each given a drink with which to toast their new allegiance. This drink of course was the thing that ensured that everyman there would do Dalia's bidding.
    Once that was over, her new men were allowed to reclaim their weapons, and join the ranks of those already under her command. Once word had gotten out that any fighting in Sarus was over, those people who usually lived there, but had fled, would soon return. Now the people of Darekia had a leader, it was time to rebuild everything that had been lost since her father's reign. In time, it would once more become a nation to be reckoned with, and no longer the poor subservient neighbour it had been recently.

Chapter 6.
    Hope closed her eyes as she let her body submerge into the hot soapy water. Both Arran and she had been shown to their rooms, both of which had copper baths filled for them to bathe. Using a bar of perfumed soap, Hope rubbed the weeks of grime and smell from her skin. She felt as she could remain in hers forever, such was the relaxing feeling she felt. "Just a few more minutes," she mumbled to herself before ducking her head under the water one more time.
    Fresh towels had been placed for her to use when she finally emerged from the now filthy coloured water. Luckily, for her, the maids would have to come and empty the bath later. After drying off properly, Hope was thankful to her host for supplying fresh clean clothes. Once dressed, she then sat brushing the knots from her hair, before finally deeming herself ready, to venture back downstairs.
    Unsurprisingly Arran had spent barely ten minutes having a bath. Hope however was glad to see he was also wearing clean clothes, and that he had also tidied his hair. She found him sat in the lounge, chatting quietly with Levin. "Ah here she is," Their host said, getting to his feet. Hope smiled and gently kissed Levin on the cheek, before sitting next to Arran.
    After pouring and handing her a drink, Levin told them of what he had done. Messengers had been sent to Forwich and New Easton. Firstly, so Hope's family members were aware she was safe, and would soon be travelling home. Secondly, to pass on the news given by Hope and Arran, of the latest happenings in Darekia. That mainly being that the daughter of Lord Fenlor was, if she had not already, planning to take control of the country.
    After a very enjoyable evening meal, shared with Levin and Jak, who had also finished his duties, both Hope and Arran

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