The Zombie Chronicles - Book 2 (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed Series)
board wavered with her sudden movements. Halfway across, another massive gust of wind sent Claire teetering to the left, then right. She took a quick step forward to balance herself again and slipped off the board.
    We all screamed in terror at the exact same moment.
    Luckily enough, she caught hold of one side of the plank with both hands and managed to hold on to it as the zombies, just feet below, surged and howled for her blood. The board bucked, twisted, and bounced, threatening to drop her to the waiting mouths below. She screamed and kicked her legs as nearly every zombie in the yard began reaching up to claw and grab at her legs, like they thought she was manna from above.
    Lucas jumped on the other end of the plank in an attempt to steady it with his weight.
    Instinctively, I began to crawl out the window to help her when my brother grabbed my arm.
    “ Your weight on that board isn’t gonna help her one bit. It might break with two of you on there,” he wisely warned.
    I yanked my arm away. “But she needs help!”
    “ Yeah, well that kind of help is gonna get you both killed!” Nick yelled. “If she can’t get back up, I’ll go. Just give her a sec.”
    As Lucas scurried out the barn window, Nick yelled for him to stop.
    Claire grabbed the board with her fingertips and with immense difficulty, managed to pull herself up , into a sitting position.
    I could see the bloodstains on the wood, and I knew her hand had to be practically raw. “Start crawling!” I shouted.
    Jackie and Lucas cheered her on from the barn window, as Nick and I just kept shouting for her to crawl forward and not to look down. She slowly scooted across and finally reached the other end of the board, where she collapsed into Jackie’s arms.
    “ You’re next,” Nick said, staring into my eyes with absolute seriousness.
    I slipped the axe through my belt, handle first, then crawled out of the window onto the plank, then slowly rose to a stand. The sound of cracking wood echoed from behind me as the zombies began to break through the door. No flipping way! My jaw dropped as the bottom half of the door splintered apart and the zombies began crawling through it, swarming into the room. We had to get over to the barn fast. My heart thundered as I tried to move quickly, without falling. “C’mon, Nick! We both gotta go now!”
    “ It’ll never hold all that weight.”
    “ Chance it!” I yelled.
    “ No! You go on and get across. I’m right behind you.”
    He fired a few shots, and I hoped he wasn’t going to play martyr. “ I’m not moving a muscle till you are standing on this board with me!” I demanded.
    “ Fine!” he said, knowing I could be just as stubborn as he was.
    I let out a breath as he crawled out the window and fired off a few more shots. I knew he needed to give me a head start so the weight would be evenly distributed. That was our only chance of the board not breaking.
    “ Don’t look at me ,” Nick shouted. “Focus on your steps.”
    I put one foot on the plank, lifted the other, and then had to trust the narrow board to support all my weight. Don’t look down. Don’t look down. I scooted three feet using baby steps, and then I forgot my own advice: I looked down. I forced myself to ignore what I saw; there were now dozens of mutilated hands and faces all thrashing around violently, just waiting for their free meal to fall from the sky above. When I thought about what could happen if I fell, I started to hyperventilate. My breathing became shallow, and I struggled to catch my breath. Okay, time to move. I took a couple quick, deep breaths, until I was able to think again. Moving as quickly as I could with such poor balance, I worked on keeping my feet moving, one in front of the other, to some imaginary beat in my mind.
    With my balance about to give out, I tried to regain control by using my hips and keeping my arms out straight, but it just didn’t seem to help. I can do this. I can do this. I’ll

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