The Zombie Chronicles - Book 2 (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed Series)
zombies roaming the yard.
    “ It’s not that far,” Nick assured her. “Let’s slide the board across to the other window.”
    Lucas squinted. “It’s gotta be a good fifteen feet.”
    He and Nick took the front of the long board, the girls took the back, and I took the middle.
    “ You sure it’s long enough?” Jackie asked, heaving a terrified sigh.
    “ I dunno,” I said, “but it’s pretty darn heavy.” Drops of sweat rolled down my back as we scooted it out the window. I was just as uneasy as she was about it, but I couldn’t let that show.
    After multiple attempts, one of which nearly lost our plank to the hungry mob below, we were able to maneuver and slide the other end into the barn window . It was one crazy plan, and I could only hope it would work. If even one person lost their balance, I’d never be able to live with myself.

Chapter 8
    Walking the plank never sounds like a good idea, but walking across one in midair to get to a barn window seemed absolutely insane. Really, we had no choice, and at least there were no pirates involved.
    “ Since this was my idea, I’ll go first to see if it works,” I said sullenly.
    “ No, Dean!” my overprotective big brother said. “Absolutely not. I’ll go first.”
    Lucas threw up his arms in exasperation. “No. If the board breaks, I won’t have your brother watching you get torn into shreds.”
    Nick pointed his finger in Lucas’s face and was about to say something, when Jackie interrupted. “Then I’ll go first,” she spat. “Besides, I’m more acrobatic than any of you guys.”
    I loved her attitude and her bravery and gripped her hand tightly.
    “ Listen, Jackie,” Lucas said. “I admire your newfound courage, but you don’t know how to secure the perimeter over there. I do.”
    She crossed her arms. “Fine. You go first, but I’m going second, and Claire is going third. Dean is fourth. Nick, you can come over last, since you’re the protector. I know that’s the way you’d want it.”
    Nick nodded.
    The door began to rattle and shake violently, until I was sure it was going to pop right off its rusty hinges. I began to question how well we’d sealed it. My heart pounded against my ribs as I grabbed more boards and started hammering.
    Lucas stepped up onto the plank.
    “ Be careful!” I yelled. I wanted so much to watch to make sure he got across okay, but I had to keep the zombies out, so I just kept hammering away like a madman.
    “ He made it!” Claire said after a few tense moments, her voice brimming with excitement.
    I let out a long breath that I could have sworn I’d been holding the entire time, then grabbed another handful of nails, hammering them one at a time in rapid succession.
    “ Okay. He’s securing the perimeter now,” Nick said.
    After a minute passed, Jackie began to pace. “Where is he? I hope he’s okay.”
    “ Don’t worry,” Nick said. “Lucas and I have been through much worse.”
    I began to wonder what could have been worse, but then I shook the thought from my head. It wasn’t the time for questions—especially those I didn’t really want to know the answers to.
    “ All clear!” I heard Lucas’s voice echo from outside. “C’mon over!”
    “ I’m coming,” Jackie said as she crawled out the window.
    “ You can do it. Just don’t look down!” I yelled as I continued to hammer and pound.
    “ Please be super careful,” Claire said.
    I was nailing the last available board in place when I heard Nick yell out that she was safe. I let out a massive sigh of relief and let the rest of the nails tumble from my hand as I stepped over to the window.
    C laire slowly and awkwardly stepped up onto the board, then out between the windows. She moved at a painfully slow pace, taking baby steps forward and trying not to look below her. A sudden gust of wind sent her hair flying, and suddenly Claire was waving her arms around madly, trying to regain her balance, even as the

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