The Wives of Beverly Row 4: Lust Has a New Address

Read The Wives of Beverly Row 4: Lust Has a New Address for Free Online

Book: Read The Wives of Beverly Row 4: Lust Has a New Address for Free Online
Authors: Abby Weeks
Tags: Fiction, Literary, Suspense, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Womens
streets of Hollywood, alone, at midnight.
    She decided that the first place she saw, she would go into. It didn’t matter if it was a bar, a diner, a night club. If she didn’t go into the first spot she passed, she’d start to chicken out and never get the courage to go anywhere. She didn’t want to end up home alone. She wanted to have some fun. She waited at a crosswalk while convertibles full of teenagers out for the night passed her by.
    Some boys waiting to cross the street were standing near her. One of them whistled at her. She looked up at him. There were three of them, they must have been about twenty. They looked sporty, like jocks. Not the most intelligent or discerning young men in the world, but they had good bodies and by the looks of things, they’d already had a few beers. They were exactly what she was looking for. She refused to give in to shyness or embarrassment.
    “Are you just going to stand there and whistle,” she said, as boldly and confidently as she could, “or are you going to offer to buy a girl a drink.”
    The boy who had whistled was wearing an A’s ball cap. His two friends started laughing at him now. He’d been expecting Trudy to ignore him and now that she was addressing him directly he didn’t seem as brave as he had.
    “A drink?” he said. “Why, what do you like to drink?”
    Trudy walked over to them. The three of them made space and looked at her like they’d never seen a beautiful woman before in their lives.
    She leaned close to the boy in the A’s cap and whispered in his ear, “I’d drink whatever you gave me.”
    Now his friends really went wild. They were loving this. She was giving them something to really talk about. She looked at them more closely. Judging by their clothing, their stubble, everything, they probably weren’t in high school.
    “What do you boys do?” she said.
    “We go to UCLA,” the boy in the ball cap said.
    “Oh,” Trudy said. “I didn’t peg you three for the studious kind.”
    “What did you peg us for?” one of the other boys said. He had slightly darker hair and skin than the boy in the ball cap. He looked like he spent a lot of time on the beach. The third was wearing a black, button-down shirt and the first couple of buttons were open revealing a nice bit of chest.
    “I don’t know,” Trudy said. She tried to think of the most flattering thing she could say. They were well-built but not too big. “Basketball players?” she said.
    The boys looked at each other. They seemed to like that. She smiled at them as alluringly as she could. She didn’t care what these boys did, she didn’t care who they were, she’d already decided they were the boys she wanted for the night. And she didn’t just want one of them. She wanted all three!
    “Where are you headed, all alone at an hour like this?”
    She shrugged. “I don’t know,” she said. “I hadn’t decided yet. Anywhere, really.”
    “I’m just looking for a good time,” she said.
    The boys looked at each other again. She seemed to be too much for them. Their eyes were getting bigger and bigger every time she said something provocative. She didn’t care. She wasn’t trying to show them how well-mannered she was, she wasn’t trying to make a good impression, she was trying to get laid.
    “Well, I think we know just the place for that,” the tanned boy said.
    “Oh do you?” Trudy said. “I somehow doubt that.”
    “What do you mean?” the boy said.
    She was just playing, teasing him, but she didn’t want to be a total pushover. She wanted these boys to appreciate what they were getting.
    “You look like nice boys,” she said. “Don’t get me wrong, I think the high school girls around here would be very impressed with some good-looking basketball players like you three.”
    “I don’t even play basketball,” the one in the button-down shirt said.
    “I’m not trying to be rude. I’m just looking for, you know?” she

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