The Wives of Beverly Row 4: Lust Has a New Address

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Book: Read The Wives of Beverly Row 4: Lust Has a New Address for Free Online
Authors: Abby Weeks
Tags: Fiction, Literary, Suspense, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Womens
she squeezed the bulge on Gary’s crotch gently and looked into his eyes.
    The bartender returned with their beers. He noticed Trudy’s foot on Dean’s lap and her hand on Gary’s crotch and looked at her. “No funny business in my bar,” he said to them.
    Trudy pouted at him but he wasn’t impressed. He’d probably had trouble with prostitutes in the past. Trudy knew that a bar could be closed down by the police if it got the wrong sort of reputation. She felt a sudden thrill at the realization that the bartender thought she might be a prostitute. She wasn’t sure why but something about the idea excited her.
    Everyone around the table was quiet and she thought of something to say to break the silence.
    “So,” she said, “how old are you two anyway?”
    “I’m nineteen,” Dean said.
    She smiled. That was perfect. She look at Gary.
    “Twenty,” he said.
    She was nodding. She was very pleased. They weren’t quite as young as Kyle but they were close enough, and there were two of them! That was something she’d never even considered, two young men at the same time!
    “Where do you live?” she said.
    “We live right by campus.”
    “In a dorm?”
    The boys nodded. Trudy wondered what that would be like, to go to a college dorm and sleep with a bunch of kids. It was an exciting thought but she figured the reality of it might not be so practical. It would be better if she could get the boys to come home with her. She knew she was breaking all the rules in the book, putting her safety at risk by bringing strangers back to her home, but she was so horny she didn’t allow any concerns like that to get in her way. She was on a mission to have mind-blowing sex and that was what she was going to have. She’d spent twenty-two years allowing her concerns about what was prudent to dominate her life, now she was making up for it. Now she was living her life the way she wanted to live it.
    “You boys ever been to Beverly Row?”
    They shook their heads. “I heard about it,” Dean said.
    “The views are amazing,” Trudy said.
    “I heard you could see all the way to Anaheim.”
    “I don’t know what you can see,” Trudy said, “but the lights sure are spectacular.”
    “You live up there?”
    She nodded. “Want to see my place? I just know you two boys will love it.”

    T RUDY LED THE WAY FROM the cab to the front door. Dean and Gary followed. She was glad that the boys weren’t drunk. She wasn’t drunk either. It would be nice to have sex with some college boys who were actually lucid and clear about what they were doing. They weren’t even the typical frat-type boys she might have expected to run into. They seemed like nice boys, boys who’d been sent to UCLA by their caring, loving parents. Boys who would find nice girls to go out with, and marry, and start families with. They were so wholesome, so well-adjusted and affluent and healthy in every way. That was what made her so excited. She felt as if she was stealing something that didn’t belong to her. She was going to have wild sex with these boys who would probably go on to lead lives that were perfectly respectable. They’d never have had a threesome in their lives if they hadn’t run in to her. She was taking something that no one else would ever have. In ten years these boys would be married to good girls, they’d have good jobs, nice homes, big cars, and their wives and families would never know their secret. They would never know that they’d had a threesome with Trudy Luxton!
    “Come on,” she said as she unlocked the front door of the house. She waved at the cab driver and he pulled away down the driveway, shaking his head slightly.
    Trudy didn’t care. She took both boys by the hand and led them through the hallway and up the stairs toward her bedroom.
    “Wow,” Gary said. “Nice house.”
    “It’s alright,” Trudy said. “My bed is what’s really impressive. You’re going to love that.”
    The boys allowed her to

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