The Wicked and Wonderful Miss Merlin

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Book: Read The Wicked and Wonderful Miss Merlin for Free Online
Authors: Anne Herries
followed day. He crumpled the letter without bothering to finish it once he knew her destination.
    Damnation!  He glanced at the clock.  It was seven – time for his dinner.  Had he opened his letters earlier he might have already been on his way.  She had given her destination as Lady Merrill’s home in Northampton.  His brow creased.  He had heard of that lady…now where…?  His frown deepened as he recalled that he knew her.  These days she was perfectly respectable, though in her youth…he shook his head over the memory.  He had been told that six men had fought duels over her; she had had three husband and probably half a dozen lovers; she had also driven a high perch phaeton past the coffee shops and clubs frequented by gentlemen in Brook Street for a wager when she was a slip of a girl. There was even a rumour that she had once fought a duel dressed as a man – and wounded her opponent in the arm.
    Rather notorious for a chaperone, he thought grimly, not certain that he wished his sister to spend even one night under the lady’s roof.
    Damn it!  This meant that he must go out again, and he would have to forgo his dinner.
    If he drove all night, he might arrive by midday tomorrow!

Chapter Five
    Samantha drove her phaeton at a spanking pace.  Hearing her groom gasp as she took a corner more nearly on two wheels than four, she laughed.  One thing she had learned from Papa when she was very young was to handle her own rig and horses; her horses were a bang up pair and real goers and she made good time.  It was however past nine when she arrived at the inn, and almost dark.
    Leaving the horses to her groom, Samantha ran into the inn.  The host came out to greet her, looking anxious.
    ‘I fear I only have a room with two beds, my lady,’ he said, addressing her as quality for she plainly was.  ‘A lady on her way to take up a position as a governess has already taken it, but I told her she might have to share if it was required and she was very agreeable.’
    ‘Oh…’  Samantha sighed, resigned to an uncomfortable night.  ‘Well, if it is all you have…but, tell me at once, do you have a Miss Brough staying here and a young man by the name of Brockleton?’
    The landlord eyed her oddly.  ‘I alus did think as there was summat a bit smoky about their tale of being cousins…but she be staying with her companion and he be still abed with a sore head, tho’ much better than afore.’
    ‘Oh no, nothing wrong,’ Samantha said hastily.  ‘They are cousins – on the maternal side.  Are they still here…only I had Miss Brough’s letter and…’ She broke off as she saw a lady she knew come down the stairs.  ‘Miss Tompkins – you here too?  How glad I am to see you.’
    ‘My Toby wouldn’t come without me, because it would not be proper,’ Joan told her, her face breaking into a beaming smile.  ‘I’m that glad to see you.  Have you booked a room?’
    ‘A share of one,’ Samantha said.  ‘My groom will sleep in the stable but I would have preferred my own room.’
    The landlord explained again and Miss Tompkins immediately offered to change places.
    ‘You could sleep with Miss Brough,’ she said.  ‘It would be more fitting for you, miss – and to tell the truth she has been afretting me to death, so she has.’
    ‘I dare say she is very distressed at what happened to poor Toby?’
    ‘Yes, indeed, miss.  Come upstairs at once and speak with her in private.  I’ll take you up and then I’ll see to moving my things.’
    ‘Thank you, Joan.  I hardly like to put you out but…’
    ‘I insist, Miss Merlin.  It’s the least I can do after you’ve come all this way…’
    They went up the stairs together.  At the head and out of sight of the landlord, she shook her head, saying, ‘They’ve got themselves in a right pickle, miss, and no mistake.  We’ve been stuck here ten days now, and Master Toby not fit to

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