downstairs…he was determined to leave yesterday but nearly took a tumble down the stairs.’
‘That sounds a little worrying to me,’ Samantha said. ‘I think he should see a more experienced doctor. I know a very good one in London…I wonder…’
She was thoughtful for a moment or two. ‘Supposing I were to send Toby to my doctor in his carriage with my groom to drive him and take you – either to Lady Merrill’s or back to my house?’
‘I won’t leave him!’ Eleanor cried instantly. ‘If anything were to happen…’ Tears began to trickle down her cheeks. ‘This is all my fault. I was the one who wanted to run away. Toby was all for speaking to Robert.’
‘I rather think the accident was due to the careless driver of that cart,’ Samantha said in a soothing voice. ‘Toby is a man and capable of making his own decisions. I think he should go to the doctor, Eleanor – but if you will not part with him, then perhaps we should all go to London. We can stay with Annabel. She is forever asking me to stay. I have an open invitation to stay with her and Viscount Wrexham – and I know she would be delighted to have us all to stay. She does have a very large and grand house.’
‘What if…what if Robert goes to Lady Merrill’s house?’
‘He will have a wasted journey and it will serve him right for not listening,’ Samantha said nonchalantly. Inwardly, she felt some doubts for Lord Brough would no doubt blame her. However, she owed a duty to both Eleanor and Toby, and the best way she could think of to keep them from harm was to transport them to a house where the hostess was of impeccable reputation, while Toby sought the advice of an excellent doctor. It would give them time to sort out their affairs. Then they could decide what to do next.
‘I’ll ask Toby what he thinks,’ Eleanor said and made for the door.
‘Where are you going, Eleanor?’
‘To his room…’ Eleanor blushed as Samantha very elegantly arched one eyebrow. ‘Oh, I suppose…but he was ill and could not get up. It was perfectly proper…’
‘I fear it was most improper for you to be in and out of his bedroom, Eleanor. At the start some allowance might be allowed, but not now that he is almost recovered… You will please not do it again. I shall knock at his door and if he is decent, I shall tell him what I propose.’
‘Yes, Miss Merlin,’ Eleanor spoke in fading accents.
‘You need not look so chastened – and unless we are in school you may call me Samantha. I am aware that you have done nothing wrong, my dear. However, I must protect you from the censure of less forgiving natures. It was reckless of you for you might have lost your reputation, but now that I am here there is no need to worry.’
‘But if you accompany us to London…what of your school?’
‘I appointed Miss Dickens acting headmistress while I am away. Besides, I am due a little holiday and may visit my dressmaker while I am there.’
‘You are very kind to me, M…Samantha.’
Samantha smiled and shook her head. ‘Think nothing of it, dearest. My girls are precious to me, each and every one of you – and it will be delightful to visit with Annabel.’
So saying, she went out and down the corridor to Toby’s room. He invited her to enter when she knocked and she found him sitting in a chair staring at the door. His expression changed when she entered to one of shock and then apology.
‘I know, Miss Merlin. If you have come to scold me you cannot make me more ashamed. I have made a terrible mess of things – and I did hope we should brush through it all without a scandal.’
‘Well, we may do so even now,’ Samantha said and smiled. ‘I must admit I was surprised that you had given in to Eleanor’s foolish urgings, but I understand that she means a great deal to you.’
‘I shall marry her, of course – at least, if her brother will allow it…’ He