The Vacant Throne: The Legend Of Kairu Vol 3

    I opened my eyes and sat up in bed,
shaking my head. The guardsmen were awake and already packing their
belongings. The sun had just started to rise, casting a dark orange
light on the horizon and the field. The chill of the night still
lingered. It was mornings like this that made me wish I still had
my robe.
    “ Are you okay there,
Kairu?” Jeff asked.
    I chuckled. “Just a weird dream.”
    “ Well come on, it is
time to go,” he said, leaving to help the guards pack.
    I quickly packed up my clothing and
walked over to where the Sentry Stick lay untouched and dispelled
it. I pocketed it to place at the top of the path should Davenport
try to sneak around us after we left for the Evenawk capital of
    We were getting close now. An
electricity of excitement was settling into the guards as I led
them up the winding path of the mountain. If I remembered
correctly, we would be approaching the ravine with the worst bridge
in history. After two cycles of not being used, I dreaded the
condition it would be in now.
    Probably no
difference, Cathy said. It has stood since the first war against the
Evenawks and will stand until the next age for sure. The magical
bridge however...let’s hope Davenport made sure it was working
    Good point.
    We arrived at the ravine and the creaky
wooden bridge swayed back and forth in the wind. The ropes looked
worn and on the verge of breaking and several wooden planks were
missing, including a large section in the middle.
    Did it always look like this?
    I felt Cathy search
through my memories. Yes. In fact it
hasn’t changed.
    Why don’t I feel relieved?
chuckled. Because when you put the stick
in your pocket you missed and got it stuck up your-
    “ So here we are,” I
said to the group. “Just hop on across and we’ll be on our
    The group stared at the bridge with an
uneasy look and I laughed. Reaching out with my power, I found the
magical bridge that overlapped the wooden one and created a bond
with my power. Slowly, power flowed through the bond and the
magical bridge glowed with a pale light. The group looked at the
magical bridge with the same look of mistrust. I crossed the bridge
confidently, ignoring the urge to skip...
    But it would be so
funny, Cathy said.
    ...and arriving on the other side
without incident.
    I waved at the group with my free hand.
“You have to hurry, it is hard to maintain this connection for
long,” I called out.
    Lady Sandra boldly walked across the
bridge without fear and the guards slowly followed behind her with
Ser Wilson being the last on the bridge. Each member of the group
stepped carefully over the gap, untrusting of the magical
    My strength started to waver as the
guards finished crossing. Ser Wilson’s heavy boots broke through
the wooden plank during a moment of weakness and Jeff turned around
to reach out for him as more planks gave way.
    Lend me your magic!
    Really? Cathy asked. For
    Ser Wilson fell through the bridge with
Lady Sandra being stopped by her guards as she dashed towards him.
A surge of power ripped through me as Cathy’s magic merged with
mine. The world slowed down as I searched for something to help the
falling knight. The life force of small trees growing out from the
side of the ravine buzzed with energy. Joining my energy to the
tree, I gained command of the tree’s branches and snared the knight
by his foot, dangling him upside down a metre away from the
    “ GEORGE!” Lady Sandra
called out, breaking free and running to the ledge.
    “ I’m okay,” Ser
Wilson called back.
    “ Quickly, help him
up,” Lady Sandra ordered the guardsmen.
    The guardsmen dropped their weapons and
formed a chain by locking hands and dangling Vincent over the edge.
I commanded the branch to try and lift Ser Wilson towards Vincent.
Slowly, Vincent grabbed Ser Wilson’s hand and the team pulled him
back onto flat ground.
    Cathy severed her connection to

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