The Vacant Throne: The Legend Of Kairu Vol 3
path in my direction. She was between 16 and 18 cycles
old and had long blonde hair, a tattered dress and a look of worry
on her face.
    “ Sir, I need your
help,” she said in a panicked tone.
    She was cute, but she
wasn’t what I was searching for. Cathy always seems to turn up
looking the same; if she is in human form.
    “ Sir, are you
listening to me?” the girl asked. “My father is in danger. You need
to save him.”
    “ Yeah, yeah, yeah, in
a minute,” I said dismissively, wandering around the
    I noticed a black cat chasing a
butterfly. When it saw me, it stopped and recognition shot into its
eyes. “Andy?” Cathy asked. “What the Void is happening? Why do I
want to catch this butterfly?”
    “ Because you are a
cat,” I answered, walking over and scooping her up.
    “ Hey, hey, put me
down or I will claw you something fierce,” she
    I placed her on a nearby log and she
started to lick her paw. “I just got myself groomed too,” she
whined, rubbing her paw behind her eyes.
    “ Sir, we have to
hurry,” the blonde girl said, startling me.
    “ Who’s the chick?”
Cathy asked, tilting her head sideways.
    “ AH!” the girl
screamed. “Demon cat!”
    “ Well, she got it
half right,” I said to Cathy. I turned to Blondie. “What is your
    “ Sandra,” she
answered. “Will you help my father now?”
    “ HA!” Cathy
    “ Don’t say it,” I
said, pointing to the little fuzz ball.
    “ A blonde girl named
Sandra who needs help with her father,” Cathy said excitedly. “Is
this a crush or a hero complex?”
    I sighed and turned to Sandra. “I’ll
help you with your father after I take care of the demon cat.”
    She nodded and hurried off to the path
and towards the village. I turned back to face Cathy who had
returned to human form with the cat theme still present. Fake cat
ears sat on top of her head, poking out from her brown hair. Her
nose was painted black, with painted whiskers on her face and a
black bikini outfit covering her pale body. A fake tail poked out
from behind her and rested on the log.
    “ Rawr,” she said,
scratching the air in front of her. She looked down at her body and
nodded. “Damn, I’m hot.”
    “ Shall we end this
dream?” I asked.
    “ In a moment,” she
said, standing up. She walked seductively towards me and wrapped
her arms around my neck, pressing her body against mine. Her blue
eyes stared longingly into mine. “Don’t you want to play with the
kitty first?”
    I chuckled awkwardly. “W-what are you
    “ Hmm?” she said,
looking innocent. “Maybe I’m just jealous that you have a crush on
the new girl and want you all for myself.”
    I looked at her sceptically and she
laughed and backed up. “You’re no fun sometimes, Andy. So, did you
want to continue with the dream and save the girl’s father?”
    “ No time,” I said,
motioning to the grey fog that was slowly creeping over the
    “ Restless night
tonight,” Cathy said, studying the fog. “A shame, we could have had
some fun.”
    “ Your idea of fun
sometimes scares me,” I said, charging up a Dispel. “Shall
    She sighed and nodded as I launched the
Dispel into the ground. The dream simmered and dissolved in a bare
field with a single tree in the middle of it. The Tree of my
Subconscious - our haven from bad dreams.
    Cathy’s outfit
changed back into the plain housewife clothes from the last dream
we shared before she became trapped within me. It was the
appearance she chose in her attempt to possess me, but instead
ended up stuck in my subconscious. After the failed exorcism, I
thought her appearance would change to whatever she wanted, but she
always returned to the same body in the end. She never explained
    The fog was starting to quickly gain
ground as we became surrounded. Before the fog overtook us, I
thought I saw Cathy looking at me sadly. I couldn’t see clearly but
the feeling was

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