The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales)

Read The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales) for Free Online

Book: Read The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales) for Free Online
Authors: Derrolyn Anderson
smiled with friendly eyes. “Aren’t we getting a little ahead of ourselves? This program is set up incrementally, although with your background, you might be uniquely positioned to move ahead a bit faster than the average student.”
    I looked down modestly, “I’m sorry I didn’t ask before I audited your class… I must admit, I’m very curious about all the new research. I find it extremely exciting.”
    He laughed his agreement, “Oh yes! This program has truly undergone a Renaissance in the past few months– do you think your father might be interested in stopping by the lab to take a look?”
    I looked up at him with a smile, “That’s a wonderful idea! He’s due back from his latest research project in about a week. I’ll bring him by then.”
    Ha! I thought, nepotism strikes again. I hurried out with a smirk, wondering why it hadn’t occurred to me before. I was sure that Dad would like to see the facilities out of sheer scientific curiosity; unfortunately, he would also be uncomfortable with my sudden interest in marine biology. I was thinking about how to ask him about it when an old familiar feeling stopped me in my tracks.
    A sharp stabbing pain blinded me, and I groped for the wall, rounding a corner to lean against the bricks to steady myself.
    I was weightless, strangely suspended. My hair was flying all around, waving in front of my eyes slowly. I struggled to pry a man’s hand off my wrist, one finger at a time. His body slowly spun around, and we came face to face. His eyes were wide open, regarding me with a blank, flat stare. They were cold and lifeless, the eyes of a statue. I knew that he was dead , and I shrank away in horror.
    W hen my mind cleared I found myself crouched on the ground, my head in my hands. I looked up, relieved to see that no-one was around, and I leaned back against the wall to catch my breath. Great. I was underwater with a dead man, only I was very much alive. That could only mean one thing, and I shuddered down the whole length of my spine.
    I had no stomach for sitting through an art history lecture after that, so I left campus early, retreating to the safety of my car to recover. Ethan and I were going to start moving my art studio into his place this afternoon, and I drove to Abby’s, thinking about how much better I’d feel once I was wrapped up in his arms again.
    I wondered how he would react if I told him what I just saw, and I waged an internal debate over how to handle it. I hated to worry him, but he had a right to know. I wished my visions were more concrete, but they never seemed to telegraph anything , other than the fact that more trouble was on the way. Like we didn’t know that already.
    I felt like a walking disaster area.
    I pulled up to see Dutch and Abby had made it home from the hospital , and stepped inside to find her sitting on the couch with Adria in her arms. There was soft music playing and the delicious smells of food cooking in the kitchen. Abby looked up at me with a beatific smile. The whole scene was one of such domestic tranquility and bliss that it made my breath catch in my throat.
    “Come sit,” she patted the couch next to her. “She just woke up.”
    I settled down, leaning over to see a beautiful little face peeking out from a bundle of blankets. She yawned, her toothless mouth twisting sideways, and then closing with a few smacks of her rose colored lips. She looked up at me with dark blue, unfocused eyes that seemed both wise and innocent at the same time.
    “This is your cousin Marina,” Abby told her.
    “Hi Adria,” I spoke gently.
    “Can you take her for a minute?” Abby asked, passing her over to me. I reached out and took her gingerly . Abby got up and stretched, “I’ll be right back… Just be sure to support her neck.”
    I nodded, and looked down at the helpless little person in the crook of my arm, bringing her close to me. A tiny little hand worked its way out of the swaddling and clutched my

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