The Third Duke's the Charm

Read The Third Duke's the Charm for Free Online

Book: Read The Third Duke's the Charm for Free Online
Authors: Emma Wildes
Tags: Romance, Historical, Historical Romance
sliding up around his neck. He lifted her, they found the bed and tumbled onto it, his body following hers down, his mouth never leaving hers, his heart pounding as if, indeed, this was the very first time.
    It was, actually. Not his first time, but
first time.
    Taking in a breath, Charles found control, broke away and gave a slight laugh, and kissed her throat just above where a very neatly tied bow kept the bodice of her nightdress in place. “Did I mention that cherishing involves removing our clothing?”
    His wife touched his hair, the look in her eyes something he’d remember the rest of his life. “No,” she said with a soft smile, “but I am not entirely naïve.”
    “Then . . . may I?” His fingers found the ribbon at her neckline and tugged.
    Whether or not she gave him permission became a moot point as his fingers found smooth, firm flesh, and his exhale became more of a groan. Charles explored her breasts, the texture of her skin indelibly etched in his psyche, the slight gasp as he thumbed her nipple a sound that would echo forever in his brain. Then he was easing back the cloth, seeing her for the first time, her body slender but so feminine it took his breath away.
    As the fabric skimmed her hips when he lifted her, the words barely registered as she said, “Shouldn’t you undress also?”
    Had his entire attention not been riveted on the small triangle of gold hair at the apex of her thighs, he might have made an articulate response. As it was, he agreed so wholeheartedly with her sentiment he reluctantly let her go, stood and ripped his shirt off over his head without bothering with the fastenings, then sat down to remove his boots.
    And she laughed. It was one of the most arousing sounds he’d ever heard, innocent yet tantalizing, womanly in an instinctive way since he knew full well she’d never lain naked in bed awaiting her lover.
    Through his teeth, he managed to utter, “Devil take it, my boots are particularly uncooperative this evening.”
    “Or perhaps you are just in an inordinate hurry, my lord.”
    He’d have to address that later when the tables hadn’t turned so he was no longer the experienced lover but the supplicant, and somehow she was the glorious seductress instead of the timid virgin. Finally he managed to successfully divest himself of both boots and stood, his fingers going to the fastenings on his breeches. He stopped, not sure if he should continue without somehow warning her about his aroused state, but then again, an urgent inner voice argued, an explanation might just alarm her.
    Instead, he swiftly stripped off his final garment and moved to join her, ignoring the sudden widening of her eyes. “Louisa,” he said huskily, touching her cheek, urging her close though he didn’t move on top of her. Not yet. Not until he knew she was ready so that her body would be as receptive as possible. “I have waited for this moment.”
    “I know.” Her silvery eyes were luminous. “That is part of why I love you. When, well . . . you know I would have succumbed. It isn’t a secret I cannot resist you.”
    Yes, she’d have no doubt given him his heart’s desire even without an offer of marriage despite that it would have gone against not just her view of morality, but also the beliefs of her family. He hadn’t wanted it to be that way, which he’d told Vivian, pacing in the garden one evening, his turmoil unbearable enough he had to confide in
, and of course, his best friend had seemed the right and only choice. Vivian had not only understood, but she’d suggested he marry Louisa if she had touched him so deeply. Until that moment, he’d thought his obsession just sexual, but he’d been wrong. It was deeper—much deeper.
    “We don’t seem to be able to resist each other. Isn’t that what love is?” Charles pressed his wife’s lips with his fingers, stilling whatever she was about to say. “You deserve no less than everything I have to

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