The Sunshine Dame of Doom

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Book: Read The Sunshine Dame of Doom for Free Online
Authors: Marcos Fizzotti
Tags: Zombies
some fuel dispensers. She slowed down and stopped by one with diesel written on the side. It looked functional. There was also a convenience store sharing space with a restaurant called Peace on Earth Diner .
    “Alright, boykie, this is it.” She said. “Let’s try to do this nice and easy.
    “Are we expecting any trouble?” Clark asked. “This place looks so empty.”
    “Yes, that’s what I thought when I stopped at this off-road bar to stretch my legs and perhaps have a drink, but some dead guys interrupted me in mid-moonshine.”
    “And I bet you took care of them Apocalily style, huh?”
    “I took care of them so I could survive style.”
    They left the vehicle and closed the doors as smoothly as they could. The sound of the doors slamming shut was loud just the same.
    “So, whatever you do, do it quietly.” Lily advised him. “And if you have to go to the bathroom for number two, remember to fart low.”
    “I’ll keep that in mind.”
    Lily looked at all sides. Instinctively, Clark did the same. She grabbed the pump.
    “It seems to be in order.”
    She anxiously turned to the vehicle and opened the tank cover a little too roughly, almost breaking it in the process.
    “Hey, careful with that” Clark said. “This is not a motorized kangaroo!”
    “Oh, this is nice!” Lily replied, a little more offended than Clark expected. “And I bet you think we also have chariots pulled by koalas, right?”
    “Hey, I’m sorry! I was just kidding!”
    “Then, let me tell you something, chap. Despite all labels you people like to plaster on foreigners’ faces, all stereotypes you may say about Australia are powerfully inaccurate!”
    Nevertheless, maybe because she accidently spoke a little too loud, or maybe due to a terrible twist of fate, ten morbidly deformed, snarling walking corpses appeared completely out of the blue, as if coming from the deepest catacombs of hell, advancing furiously toward them.
    “Shit!” Clark cried in despair and started to scratch the side of the vehicle. “Open the door, Lily!”
    However, as quickly as the wind, Lily drew a boomerang from somewhere inside her belt and tossed it. Armed with sharp razors on its concave side, the device sliced in half five skulls on its way up and another five skulls on its way back, to finally land safely back on Lily’s hand. The beasts fell helpless on the floor.
    She turned to Clark, who was staring directly at her.
    “Well, maybe one or two stereotypes are accurate.” She said.
    “And I’m glad for that!” Clark took a deep breath. “Now I know what the fingerless gloves are for.”
    “It’s never a good idea having your hand amputated by your faithful boomerang.”
    “So, do you have any more surprises in that utility belt of yours?”
    “No, that’s pretty much it, two little knives, a boomerang and the modular hockey stick on my back.”
    “Can I have the two knives?”
    “What if I have to defend myself against zombies?”
    “You just whistle and I come quick .”
    “Now seriously, we have to get something for you to defend yourself, only not my two knives. And, as I said before, those racquets of yours won’t do it, unless some zombies play tennis.”
    “We can try to find something sharp in the convenience store.”
    Lily finished refueling her motorized kangaroo.
    “Let’s take a look.” She agreed. “Empty your tennis bag, please.”
    Lily opened the glass door to the convenience store and a bell attached to the doorframe jingled.
    “Goddamn it!” Lily cursed as low as she could manage.
    “Some people have no respect for sneaking in.” Clark whispered back.
    “Problem is folks who have those bells installed on doors never consider the possibility of a zombie attack.” 
    “They just don’t plan ahead.”
    Lily and Clark walked around real slow. They were cautious but heard no snarls.
    “I guess the coast is

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