The Sunshine Dame of Doom

Read The Sunshine Dame of Doom for Free Online

Book: Read The Sunshine Dame of Doom for Free Online
Authors: Marcos Fizzotti
Tags: Zombies
whomever that was, but froze speechless. A beautiful, slender, blonde woman was standing right by her.
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” She said softly.
    “No… No problem.” Becky mumbled with a dumb expression. The penetrating blue eyes of the woman seemed to petrify her entire body, as if a simple look could wrap around a soul.
    Becky felt a strange chill run down her spine. It was at same time uncomfortable and caressing. But who the heck was that woman?
    “Who are you?” Becky then decided to just go ahead and ask.
    “Call me Shane.” The woman answered, opening a very white and sweet smile. “What about you, sweet pea?”
    “My name is Rebecca, but people call me Becky.”
    “It’s adorable anyway.”
    Becky was definitely enchanted.
    “Oh, by the way…” Shane said sportively and went to the vending machine.
    She simply pulled the door toward her.
    “See, all you got to do is open it!”
    Becky did not think twice and advanced to the protein bars. “Only one!” she magnanimously promised herself. In about thirty seconds, she had already devoured five bars. Shane looked at her motherly.
    “There are more, honey.” She said. “But you’d better take it easy. It’s not a good idea to fill your stomach all at once. You clearly haven’t eaten in awhile. Give your stomach time to adapt.”
    Becky faced her with very childish eyes. Her mouth was too full to speak.
    “Are you a top model or something?” Shane asked her.
    “Trying to be” Becky responded a little suspicious. “Why?”
    Shane laughed, as if reading the girl’s mind.
    “I’m asking because you’re just too beautiful not to be a top model, honey!”
    “Thanks!” Becky’s face was illuminated by a smile, something she almost never did. “Too bad you’re the only one who thinks so.”
    “I don’t believe you!”
    Becky never felt so comfortable and protected like in that moment. She didn’t understand what was happening to her, but it was so good she just let herself go by such feelings.
    “Do you run this place?” Becky asked, again with her mouth full.
    “Can say that, yes” Shane replied. “Actually, I run a lot of places. Normally, I have more people helping me in here, but now I’m alone.”
    “You opened the door for us?”
    “Of course!”
    “My bubblehead friends are in cinema-one stuffing their bellies with all your snacks. They’re actually making a hell of a mess in there. I hope you don’t mind.”
    “Bubblehead friends!” Shane laughed aloud. “Oh, such a little rascal you are!”
    Becky smiled again.
    “And of course I don’t mind.” Shane continued. “That’s why I opened the door for you! I want you to eat and have fun. Most of all, I want you to feel safe. Let’s take a break from all the madness outside, what do you say?”
    “I can live with that!”
    “And nothing better than a movie theater to do so, huh? For most people, places like this represented everything that was good and glamorous and entertaining, bringing the best in each and every one of us, giving us a reason for living… I tell you what, I introduce myself to your friends and we all watch a movie together! And you get to choose it!”
    Becky lowered her eyes all of a sudden.
    “What’s wrong?” Shane asked her.
    Becky was usually as tightlipped as an oyster. But she caught herself yapping:
    “You shouldn’t talk like this! You shouldn’t talk about how things used to be. You shouldn’t talk about hope when there’s none! There are no such things as best in each and every one of us and reason for living . This is a big pile of crap. Places like this sold fantasy, that’s all. Two hours later, we had to be back on a shitty world, to a shitty reality!”
    “You’re in pain I can see.”
    “Damn right I am! Lucas… You know, my… he loved the theaters, he loved movies, but those jerks…” She started to

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