The Right Medicine

Read The Right Medicine for Free Online

Book: Read The Right Medicine for Free Online
Authors: Ginny Baird
Tags: Arts & Entertainment
rehearsing what she would tell her grandmother. I’m sorry, Grandmother, but things just didn’t work out… No, Carrie had already been there and done that one. Besides, her second strike would make her look like a total washout, not the “together” young woman her adoring Grandma Russell took her to be.
    Grandmother, there’s been a last-minute change in plans…
    Nope, that would only make her look inconsiderate. Horribly inconsiderate, given the wedding shower was scheduled for tomorrow.
    Carrie sighed and hit autodial, trusting something brilliant would come to mind the instant she heard her grandmother’s voice.
    “Grandmother, it’s Carrie—”
    “Oh, sweetheart,” her grandma began in her endless prattle, “so lovely to hear your voice. Amelia and I were just discussing china patterns, and we really think the one you—”
    “Oh, lands sakes, child. I know, I know! Really none of my business. But, to tell you the truth, the everyday pattern you picked is ever so much more attractive and could really double for formal ware if push came to shove, and—”
    Carrie blew a hard breath. This was going to be even harder than she’d imagined. “Grandmother!”
    “Well, okay, okay, dear. You are absolutely right about that! Who needs to fret over china patterns when you’ve got a perfectly gorgeous man on your arm!”
    “Grandma Russell!” Carrie shouted into the phone.
    “Well, gracious me, child, you don’t need to yell. Ma Bell’s improved quite a bit since the days I courted your grandpa.” She chuckled. “Lands sakes, child. Meant that one the other way around—quite the other way…”
    Carrie sighed and slumped back against the wall behind her.
    “Now, sweetheart,” her grandmother finally asked, “what was it you wanted to tell me?”
    Carrie racked her brain for a creative intro. “Well, it’s about seating arrangements, actually.”
    “Tomorrow, sweetie? Your great-aunties and I’ve got that all worked out. No need for you to fret one bit. Nellie even hand-stitched the place cards.”
    The bottom dropped out of Carrie’s stomach. “Aunt Nellie crocheted those beautiful lace place cards? But, I thought… That was supposed to be part of her wedding gift! I thought she was making those for the…wedding.”
    “Couldn’t wait to see your face, she said. And you’ll have to really butter her up on this one too, sweetness. She did a divine job. Absolutely divine! You would think the royal family was coming to tea, and not just your wedding party.”
    Carrie swallowed hard and tried to summon her courage. “Grandma…?”
    “Yes, dearie?”
    “What time is the shower again?”
    “Land sakes, child, you are a nervous bride, aren’t you? Four o’clock, same as it was last time you asked. But don’t worry if you’re not here right on the button. Just don’t make us old gals wait too long. You know how it is with us geriatrics. We tend to nod off after a while when nothing’s happening!”
    “Don’t worry, Grandma,” Carrie said. “I promise not to put anybody to sleep.”
    Grandma Russell chuckled. “From what you’ve told me, you and that handsome groom of yours will be sure to wake up any crowd!”
    “Right,” Carrie agreed, feeling the fire of deceit spread from her temples to her collarbone.
    “Can’t wait to see what he looks like, dearie,” Grandma Russell crooned into the phone. “Me and the girls have been speculating all day.”
    “That makes two of us,” Carrie said quietly, ending the call.
    “What’s that?” Mike asked from the landing.
    Carrie looked up, startled. “Oh, Mike, I didn’t hear you come in.”
    “No?” he asked. “Could have sworn you said something about the two of—”
    “Oh no,” Carrie said with a blush. “That was my grandmother. Just got off the phone with her about…”
    “Some of those plans that needed canceling?” Mike ventured.
    Carrie gave him a shaky smile. “More or

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