The Reckoning: Quantum Prophecy Book 3

Read The Reckoning: Quantum Prophecy Book 3 for Free Online

Book: Read The Reckoning: Quantum Prophecy Book 3 for Free Online
Authors: Michael Carroll
If she starts to think that she doesn’t need you…”
    Victor nodded, and smiled. “Well done, Mr. Laurie. And as a reward, you get to spend the next five years in the Arctic.”
    “I really don’t want to go, Victor. I don’t like the cold.”
    “I know that. But the work is important. Or it’s
to be important.”
    “Victor, I was
!” Yvonne said. “Do you have any idea what time it is in Wyoming?”
    Cross nodded to the guards at the gate and raised the limousine’s window. “Of course I do. I know everything. What’s your point?”
    Their inspection complete, the guards waved the car through: Victor was pleased to see that even though they knew who he was, and they’d been expecting him, they still ran their scanners over the car and checked his and the driver’s DNA profiles against the database.
    Yvonne said, “My point is that you can’t just phone people in the middle of the night and expect them to be waiting for your call.”
    “Whine, whine, whine. How are things back home?”
    “They’re fine.”
    “No sign of Dioxin breaking through your memory block?”
    “No. And even if he does manage it, it’s not like there’s anyone in Lieberstan who’ll be listening to him.”
    “True. We’ve just arrived in Satu Mare. I’ll be heading back to the States in a couple of days, by which time Colin Wagner will be on our side.”
    “You’re certain you can persuade him?”
    “Absolutely. Now tell me what happened on the island.”
    Yvonne paused. “What island?”
    “Isla del Tonatiuh. Check your computer.” Victor heard Yvonne yawning, then tapping on her keyboard.
    “I see it,” Yvonne said. “We had a huge cache of supplies there.
being the operative word. The New Heroes destroyed it a couple of hours ago.”
    “Good? Why is it good? Victor, this is the fifth time they’ve deliberately targeted the Trutopians.”
    “I know. Who do you think is feeding them the information? You really should be keeping an eye on the larger picture, Yvonne. We trick the Sakkarans into going on these little missions, and they’re not going to be around to do normal superhero stuff.”
    “And the point of that is…?”
    “The ordinary people know that there are superhumans again, and they’re beginning to realize that these superhumans aren’t working for them: They’re working for the military. The public backlash will begin very soon.”
    “Spurred on by you, of course.”
    “Naturally. All right, we’re here.” Victor opened the car door and stepped out into the afternoon sunshine. “Time to meet Mr. Wagner and start the conversion process.”
    Yvonne said, “Victor, if he kills you, can I take over the organization?”
    Cross replied, “You
take over the organization. Whether you actually
well, that’s a different matter.”
    “I’m thrilled you have so much faith in me.”
    “Go back to sleep, kid. I’ll call you if I need you. Which I won’t.”
    •  •  •
    The first thing Colin Wagner did when he arrived at the hotel room was to fill the bath with hot, foamy water, strip off his clothes and lower himself in.
    Now, two hours later, he was still in the bath, eyes closed, listening to Alphaville on his new MP3 player.
    The last track on the album came to an end and Colin popped out the earphones and set the player down on the floor.
    I could get used to this.
    The phone beside the bath rang. Colin grabbed for it with a damp hand. “Hello?”
    “Colin? It’s Harriet. Mr. Kinsella has just arrived, and he’d like to talk to you. When you’re ready.”
    “Sure. I’ll be down in a couple of minutes.”
    Colin hung up the phone and stepped out of the bath. He didn’t bother using a towel to dry himself; he just increased his body temperature until all the water evaporated from his skin.
    In the bedroom, Colin looked through the spare clothes Harriet and Byron had given him, and chose a plain black T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

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