The Quarterback Sneak
Good food, and he
had to admit good company. Hayden’s wit kept him on his toes. Her
attempts to shock him amused him, but he had her number.
    “That was delicious,” he said after he
finished his meal of salmon and steamed vegetables. “During the
season, I don’t eat out much. I’m pretty good in the kitchen. My
mother taught me how to cook.”
    “I can’t cook.” Her shoeless foot ran along
his calf. “My skills are more about the bedroom.”
    Liam reached under the table as she reached
his thigh. Massaging her foot, he grinned. “I’m pretty good there
    Her eyes widened for a split second, but
then narrowed as she yanked her foot away. “Liam, I think you are
all teeth and no bite.”
    “It’s all about the tongue,” he shot
    Hayden wiggled in her chair. Before she
could respond, the waiter delivered her cheesecake and coffee for
the both of them. Liam liked a woman who ordered dessert, but he
loved how Hayden enjoyed it, like a woman in the throes of an
orgasm. Was she doing it on purpose to drive him out of his mind?
Instead of taking a sip of coffee, he reached for the glass of
water and took a long drink.
    “Hayden, take pity on me.”
    “What? Is this turning you on?” Seemingly
innocent blue eyes didn’t match the naughty tone in her voice.
    “I haven’t had sex in two years. A light
breeze turns me on.”
    “Good to know.” She sensuously licked a
spoonful of cheesecake. “Oh yeah.” Then taking another spoonful,
she placed it in her mouth and sucked. “Mmmmm… soooo… good.”
    Liam shifted in his seat, trying to broker
some room in his pants for his erection. He’d give anything to be
that spoon. Anything. Except his soul. He’d made a vow he wouldn’t
have sex again until he got married. After two years of celibacy,
one evening with Hayden should have been a piece of cake.
    Cake? Cheesecake. He shut his eyes,
but he couldn’t shut his ears, which made it so much worse. With
the tiny moans escaping her lips, he imagined her licking his cock.
Sucking on it. Swallowing it.
    “Good to the last drop.” The click of the
spoon on the clean plate sounded the end of his torture.
    It was going to be a long five month fake
engagement. Hayden may be on probation but Liam felt like the one
sentenced to jail.
    After he paid the check and they stepped
outside, he realized the crowd of paparazzi had tripled since they
arrived. He’d warned her father about this. Liam didn’t want to
spend hours answering questions about his personal life.
    “Will your engagement affect the season?”
yelled one of the paparazzi. “Is it a publicity stunt?”
    Good question. Liam wouldn’t put it past the
old man. Where did Middleton think Hayden inherited her love of the
spotlight? Had her father leaked the newly engaged couple’s
whereabouts? Had Hayden?
    As the shouting photographers jostled for a
better angle, Liam took her small hand and scanned the sidewalk,
plotting their escape route like he would a play on the field. He
could use a few of his linemen about now. He bulldozed a path to
the curb, using his strength and height, keeping Hayden close
behind him.
    Arriving at his Hummer, he glanced over his
shoulder. Her self-satisfied smile confirmed his suspicion. He
itched to kiss that bratty grin off her face. Okay. If she
wanted to give people something to talk about, he’d oblige.
    He whirled her into his arms ready to
scratch his annoyance away. Once their lips met in a heated clash,
he realized it wasn’t an itch at all, but an unquenchable thirst
for the taste of her and a raving hunger to feed upon her breath.
Hayden was his decadent dessert. She tasted like sin and spice and
nothing nice.
    He ran his hands down her curves. Reaching
her ass, he pulled her closer, hoping the softness of her belly
would relieve the ache in his cock. Instead, he hardened to the
point of frustration.
    God bless the press. They were the only
reason he wouldn’t toss Hayden into the backseat and have

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