The Quarterback Sneak
whatever I want with the press. Get used to it.”
    He pulled away from the crowd and sped down
the street away from the pursuit of several cars. “I was talking
about dessert. Don’t tease me like that again.”
    Oh. An awkward silence enveloped
them. Awkward for Hayden, anyway. She loved to be the center of
attention, the total opposite of Liam. How would they ever make
anyone believe he liked her, much less that he wanted to marry her? That’s the whole point of this outing, isn’t it? To prove
to Liam that a fake engagement won’t work?
    When he pulled up to the curb in front of
her building, she tugged on the sleeve of his suit jacket. “You
don’t have to walk me up.”
    “Yes, I do.” Liam nodded toward the two
photographers unsuccessfully hiding behind the large planters by
the entrance. While the doorman struggled to hold them back, he
slipped his hands around her waist and lifted her out of the large
    Their gazes met. His eyes heated into molten
pools of amber. All the noise of the city faded away. She smiled,
realizing he wasn’t as unaffected as he pretended. He slid her body
against his as he slowly put her down. Would he kiss her again?
    A photographer lunged, jostling the car
door, ruining the moment. Liam pushed the offender to the ground
and rushed her inside the building. The silence continued in the
elevator. Was he mad at her?
    “Coming in?” She opened the door to her
apartment. If he was going to be mad, she might as well make it
    “We’re engaged.” Her fingers danced up his
chest. “No reason why we can’t have a little fun.”
    “Fake engaged. I made a vow.”
    “Don’t tell me you’re one of those
born-again virgins?”
    “A virgin?” Liam laughed. “Don’t worry,
Hayden. When it comes to a wedding night, my future wife will be
getting all the benefits of all my past experience.” He pressed her
hand flat against his heart. “Too bad you aren’t her.”
    She slid her hand up to tighten his tie
until she nearly strangled him. “Fine. I’ll just use my
    With a smile, he loosened the knot, exposing
the muscular cords of his neck. “But you’ll be thinking of me.”
    Damn. She would be thinking of him.
She’d relive that epic kiss and fantasize about the rest. The way
he’d leisurely lick her body, his tongue playing with her tingling
clit, the feel of his cock pushing inside her. Caught up in the
vision, she didn’t notice his retreating back.
    “Liam! Not even a kiss goodnight?” she
    He turned, his arms open and palms up. “Why
bother? There are no cameras around for you to play up to.”
    “Hey, you’re the one who kissed me,” she
shouted down the hall. She winced, hoping none of the neighbors
were disturbed by the commotion. Hayden was on probation for that
too. One more incident and the co-op board would live up to its
threat to force the sale of her penthouse.
    Liam poked his head out the elevator doors.
“Hey Hayden.” He blew her kiss. “Catch.”
    She fisted her hands and stomped her foot.
How dare he remind her of his non-proposal! She slammed the door.
To hell with her neighbors. And to hell with Liam McQueen.

Chapter 8

    A s the team owner’s
daughter, the first game of the season was always a little
nerve-wracking for Hayden. But as the quarterback’s fiancée, the
stakes were even higher. At least it got her back into the father’s
good graces. After her last arrest, he had banned her from the
    Hannah Hahn and Angel Burner lounged in the
owner’s box as usual, while the other wives and girlfriends sat in
a reserved area outside. Preferential treatment was given to the
supermodel and her friend, neither of whom liked Hayden.
    Technically she was one of them now. Hayden,
however, had never been very nice to the wives or girlfriends of
the players.
    But she needed to make nice now.
    Last year, Samantha Jameson would’ve made
the twosome a trio. Her husband, Ryan Terell, had retired at

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