The Princess' Dragon Lord
other hand into her hair and
scrunched it into curls, tilting her head at an angle that would
allow her to see the dark strands. It felt softer than silk, and
she had no doubt would look as though she’d just stepped out of a
salon when dry.
    “The water, sakkra , it has
regenerating abilities My father created a stone of such abilities,
and he placed it inside the dragon's mouth. You cannot see it, for
the water, but it is there. Now, as the water flows over the stone,
the water takes on the power of the stone. You did not think I
would stay forever young in this cavern without it, did you?”
    He asked it with a smile in his voice, as
though it were obvious and he found it cute that she’d asked such a
childish question.
    Suddenly the reason for her lack of injuries
made sense. She must’ve bathed in here with him earlier, before
they’d had sex.
    Just the thought of that brought the event to
the forefront of her mind. What she’d thought to be a dream, Azoth
hard body on top of her, his wrist thick cock inside of her,
moving, touching everywhere…
    She blushed and had to look away from him as
her body reacted to the memories. “I didn’t know.”
    “I—of course, I’d forgotten.”
    Awkward moment, but that was alright, because
Diana was curious now. “Don't dragons...I mean, aren't they
    Azoth laughed. “Everything dies, princess,
but I suppose I would still be alive, even without the aid of this
spring. I would simply be,” he searched for a word.
    “I imagine I would have aged quite
    Now Diana wanted to laugh, but she held back.
“Then how do you explain me? If I'm who you say I am, why haven't I
aged? Why is my hair a different color?”
    His voice was harsh as he replied stubbornly.
“It is you.”
    Because of the constant splashing of the
water from the dragon’s mouth, she didn’t register a change when he
moved across their little pool and settled his large, strong hands
on her hips.
    He could have squeezed and really hurt her if
he wanted to, but his touch was gentle, and smooth beneath the
water. It was familiar and reminded her of so many sensations she
was no longer sure hadn't happened.
    Her breath quickened and her sex swelled at
his nearness. Her nipples tightened and sizzled as his chest
brushed against hers as he came even closer, until he was between
her legs, and their naked bodies were pressed against each
    Now she really was burning up as the folds of
her cunt swelled. Her clit throbbed, and she wanted him to touch
her, to put his hands down there, but she was too damned scared do
ask for it.
    “Forgive me sakkra , but I must. I
cannot be gentle,” he pressed his mouth to hers, hard and giving
her no room to argue. His muscled arm wrapped around her small
shoulders, pressing her closer to him, practically pulling her onto
his lap.
    Diana didn't fight him. She curled her arms
around his neck, completely taken in by the feel of his skin.
    Azoth's cock was hard. She could feel it
jutting against her hip, large and throbbing.
    She wasn’t resisting, she should be
resisting, but she wasn't, and that felt all right. Something was
happening here that she didn’t understand, and yeah, maybe she was
allowing herself to believe his story might be true, but that
didn’t mean Diana was the woman he was looking for. More likely she
was a look-a-like, but then, why was she having that other Diana’s
    Azoth’s hand cupped her breast, her small
size C, and he massaged it and pinched down on the nipple as though
it were more than what he needed.
    Diana moaned and jerked in his hold, the
nearly painful sensation of that pinch shooting down to her clit
and almost making her lose her damned mind. She pressed her chest
into his hand, wanting more of that as she moaned. He even pulled
away from her enough to look down at his work through the water.
Then he looked back at her, his eyes wild and lustful, like

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