The Princess' Dragon Lord
reluctantly. “Just don’t get your hopes up when it turns out you’re
    “Oh, I am not wrong. I know my wife.”
    The wolfish grin he sported put fire in her
cheeks. He was totally talking about the sex they'd had. It was
embarrassing how her blood heated just thinking back on it.
    They must’ve walked right across the clearing
of the cave, because then he walked through another set of red
stone halls, that also didn’t have a ceiling, and the sound of
running, bubbling water danced in her ears.
    “We are almost there, princess.”
    He turned another corner, and there it was,
his spring. It was enclosed by four stone walls, again, no ceiling,
but regardless of that, the steam stayed in place, warming her
entire body instantly in a way that arousal alone could never pull
off. The water itself flowed from an open dragon’s mouth, which
also looked carved from the stone wall.
    It was more of a bath than a spring.
    Azoth moved to the edge of the little pool
and set her down. He crouched down and ran his hand through the
    “It’s warm. This will do.”
    “How is this here? How is all this not
covered with mold? Where does the water come from?” It was pouring
in clean enough, but she didn't see a place for it to drain
    “A spell.” Azoth said. “A stone cavern is
hardly the place for such things, or even to grow or hunt for food,
yet I have always been provided for.”
    More magic and spells. She should’ve seen it
    Diana pulled down the zipper on her jacket,
and was trying to shrug out of the thing when Azoth’s hands pulled
it off her shoulders in a smooth motion.
    She looked up at him, and even though it
hadn't been skin to skin contact, goosebumps still formed all over
her flesh, as if he had, and it had felt good. “Uh, thanks.”
    He nodded to her before placing her jacket on
a stone slab that looked like it was used mostly as a bench.
    Her fingers paused on the buttons of her
blouse. “You can go now.”
    “I intend to bathe with you.”
    “ What? ”
    “It will speed your recovery.”
    That sounded like one of the lamest lines
she’d ever heard. “No way,” she said, shaking her head, even as,
deep inside, a little voice was telling her to go along with
    Look at him, standing right there, so muscled
and handsome, so cover model gorgeous, and he wanted to be with
plain, scarred, little her.
    Why not let him?
    Azoth sighed, his shoulders sagging, but she
got the impression that it was because he was struggling for
patience rather than being beaten down by her resolve. “Princess, miva sakkra , we shall do nothing you do not wish to do, but
otherwise, I intend to get into the pool with you.”
    If her face got any hotter it was going to
melt off. He wasn’t giving her a choice on this one. She was
slightly thrilled about that, but didn't want to admit it to him,
or to herself. “I don’t think I’m getting entirely naked then.”
    That sex charged grin came back, and it sent
an electric sizzle right to the folds of her sex, which had become
wet and moist a long time ago. “Although I adore your body, I have
seen my fair share for the night.”
    Diana hesitated a moment longer, her eyes
continually moving towards her…husband, and lingering there for any
signs of foul play, but he just continued to undress, as casually
and comfortably as though there wasn’t another person three feet
away in a brightly lit room.
    It was easy enough for him to get his clothes
off, considering he was wearing only a pair of leather pants that
didn't have a belt, or even a button and zipper. They were tied off
at the top with a string. He kicked off the boots he wore, which
also looked to be made of some animal hide of some sort. Then he
shoved them down and kicked them away, exposing the flesh of his
perfect thighs.
    He didn’t have any reason to be shy. He was
built a model on GQ. A fact she already knew even without the
removal of the brown leather pants he wore

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