The Peoples of Middle-earth

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Book: Read The Peoples of Middle-earth for Free Online
Authors: J. R. R. Tolkien
is Midsummer)'.
    9. The name Luyde for the month of March is found once elsewhere, a comparative calendar of Hobbit and modern dates written on the back of a page of the earliest text of the Appendix on Calendars (see p. 136, note 3}. Above Luyde here my father wrote a name beginning Re which is certainly not as it stands Rethe, the later Hobbit name of March, but must be taken as an ill-written form of that name.
    10. On holbytla translated 'hole dweller' see p. 49, $48 and commentary (p. 69).
    11. This is to be associated with the early version of Appendix F, $$22-3 (p. 38): '... before their crossing of the Mountains the Hobbits spoke the same language as Men in the higher vales of the Anduin ... Now that language was nearly the same as the language of the ancestors of the Rohirrim'.

    12. The second figure of the date 1347 is slightly uncertain, but it looks much more like a '3' than a '1'.
    13. The significant changes made in the Second Edition (1966) were few. On FR p. 14, where the later text has 'There for a thousand years they were little troubled by wars ...' to '... the Hobbits had again become accustomed to plenty', the First Edition had simply
    'And thenceforward for a thousand years they lived in almost unbroken peace' (thus without the mention of the Dark Plague, the Long Winter, and the Days of Dearth}. At the beginning of the next paragraph the reading of the Second Edition, 'Forty leagues it stretched from the Far Downs to the Brandywine Bridge, and fifty from the northern moors to the marshes in the south', was substituted for 'Fifty leagues it stretched from the Westmarch under the Tower Hills to the Brandywine Bridge, and nearly fifty from the northern moors ...'. My father noted that the word 'nearly' was (wrongly) omitted in the text of the Second Edition, 'so this must be accepted'.
    On FR p. 16, in 'Three Elf-towers of immemorial age were still to be seen on the Tower Hills', the words 'on the Tower Hills'
    were an addition, and in a following sentence 'upon a green mound' was changed from 'upon a green hill'. At the end of this first section of the Prologue (FR p. 17) the sentence 'Hobbits delighted in such things ...' was in the First Edition put in the present tense throughout.
    Lastly, in the first paragraph of the third section, FR p. 18, the sentence 'Outside the Farthings were the East and West Marches: the Buckland; and the Westmarch added to the Shire in S.R.
    1462' was an addition.
    14. A few further differences in P 6 from the published text may be recorded. In the paragraph concerning the script and language of the Hobbits (FR p. 13) P 6 had: 'And if ever Hobbits had a language of their own (which is debated) then in those days they forgot it and spoke ever after the Common Speech, the Westron as it was named', this being changed to the reading of FR, 'And in those days also they forgot whatever languages they had used before, and spoke ever after the Common Speech ...' And at the end of the paragraph the sentence 'Yet they kept a few words of their own, as well as their own names of months and days, and a great store of personal names out of the past' is lacking. Cf. the original version of Appendix F, pp. 37-8, $$21 - 3.
    The founders of the Shire were still Marco and Cavallo (pp. 6, 9; later changed to Marcho and Blanco); and the second of the conditions imposed on the Hobbits of the Shire (cf. the text given on p. 9) was 'to foster the land' (changed later to 'speed the king's messengers'). The first grower of pipe-weed in the Shire was still Tobias Hornblower, and still in the time of Isengrim the First (p. 6); the date was apparently first written 1050 as before, but changed to 1020. Later Isengrim the Second and the date 1070
    were substituted, but Tobias remained. The footnote to this passage (p. 6) was retained, but 'about 400 years' was later altered to 'nearly 350'. The third of the Longbottom brands now became 'Hornpipe Cake', but was changed back to 'Hornpipe Twist'.
    15. In

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