and cooking it for us.’
‘You told her I was here? What does she know?’
‘I told her I had a friend with me. She did not come in here and does not know that my friend is a lady. I allowed her to think you were a gentleman.’
‘Thank you.’ Jane accepted the coffee from his hand. ‘It was very good of Mrs Muffet to provide these things for us.’
‘She intends to return later today and make the house habitable. I have asked that fires should be lit in all the rooms and the linen aired.’
‘You are not intending to stay here? Impossible!’ Jane took a sip of the hot strong beverage to calm her nerves. ‘At least, I cannot stay here. Perhaps you would lend me your horseand allow me to go on alone? I will engage to return it here once I am home.’
‘I dare not let you leave alone. You would be prey to all manner of evils, a young woman travelling alone with not even a groom to protect her.’
‘I believe I am capable of riding a few miles to my home—if you would set me in the right direction.’ Jane’s head came up for she needed no one to protect her. ‘I am not one of your missish young ladies who faints at the merest provocation.’
‘I am perfectly certain you are not, Jane. I wish that I could deliver you to your home,’ George said, his brow furrowed. ‘I have been thinking and I believe I have come up with a solution, which you may find acceptable for a few days.’
Jane arched her brows at him. ‘Short of stealing your horse and riding off, I have little choice but to listen to your proposal, sir. My ankle is a little easier this morning, but I do not think I could walk far—and I have no money to hire a carriage.’
‘I am aware of my duty to care for you. Will you allow me to take you to the home of a lady I trust? She was my nurse when I was aboy and stayed with us until she retired when I joined the army. I think you should be safe with her until I can be certain Blake is out of the country—or in prison.’
‘In prison? Do you intend to go to the magistrate, then?’
George handed her a plate of crisp bacon and scrambled eggs, also a two-pronged fork. ‘You should eat some of this excellent food. Please, do not look at me so, Miss Blair. I know that I deserve your censure, but you do not understand my predicament.’
‘I realise that Captain Blake has some hold over you, but that does not excuse your behaviour. No decent man would assist in the abduction of an innocent young woman.’ Seeing the little nerve flicking at his temple, Jane relented. ‘Forgive me, I am not ungrateful for all you have done for me, sir. It is just that I am concerned for my friend.’
‘As I am,’ George replied. ‘You have no need to remind me of my responsibility. Firstly, I must see you safe, Miss Blair—and then I shall do what I can to find Lady Fanshawe.’
Jane was on thorns. Her independent nature made her wish to escape by whatever means she could. Yet she sensed that George meant todo what he could to help her—and if she ran away now she would have no clue to give her friends. If she could just discover something about Captain Blake, her friends might be able to find and rescue Mariah.
‘You give me your word that you will try to find her? And you will see that Blake pays for his wickedness?’
‘I promise that I shall do what I can, but I am not at liberty to go to the magistrates immediately.’
George reached across the table, laying his hand on hers. It was a simple gesture, but something in his manner made her decide that he was honest and meant to do what he could for both her and Mariah.
‘Then I shall seriously consider what you’ve said, sir.’
‘Good.’ His smile lit up his face and for a moment Jane’s heart caught. ‘You are a brave and sensible lady, Jane.’
Jane ate some of the bacon and egg, then finished her coffee. Her thoughts were confused, but she was trying to make sense of what she knew to be a precarious situation. If Captain Blake was as
Mating Season Collection, Eliza Gayle
Lady Reggieand the Viscount