The Mysterious Lord Marlowe

Read The Mysterious Lord Marlowe for Free Online

Book: Read The Mysterious Lord Marlowe for Free Online
Authors: Anne Herries
I leave you to sleep?’
    ‘Where will you go? The room is warm now and you could stretch out in two chairs.’
    ‘Are you sure you wish for that? I thought you might prefer to be alone?’
    ‘We broke in here and the door is vulnerable. If Blake were to discover this house I would rather not face him alone.’
    ‘I doubt he would think of coming here.’ George frowned. ‘Though it is possible that he might know it was left to me, I suppose. Someone may have told him.’
    ‘Then please remain here. I prefer your presence to Captain Blake’s.’
    ‘Yes, I think I shall. You may rest assured that if he attacked you I should shoot him.’
    ‘Is that why you have brought the pistol?’
    ‘Like most military men I am accustomed to travelling with a loaded pistol. I know others doit, too, but I am a keen shot. Believe me—my hand would not tremble if the need arose.’
    ‘You fought with Wellington?’
    ‘Yes, for many years—on the Spanish Peninsula and elsewhere.’
    ‘I see.’ Jane looked at him thoughtfully. ‘I believe I shall sleep more easily for knowing that, sir.’
    ‘You have my word that I shall protect you with my life. More than that I cannot promise. Blake is a ruthless devil and has several rogues working for him that think nothing of murder. Had I not known that he might kill us all, I should have prevented the abduction as soon as I realised that he had lied about the lady’s willingness to be taken.’
    ‘Even though he has something important that belongs to you?’
    ‘Yes, of course.’ George inclined his head. ‘Had it been within my power. As it was not, I decided to do what I could for you.’
    ‘What of the other victim in this affair? Lady Fanshawe is a dear friend of mine and I fear for her safety. Can you not help her?’
    ‘For the moment I can do nothing, but I shall try to discover her whereabouts. For that reasonI have allowed Blake to go on thinking he has my reluctant loyalty.’
    ‘Every moment we delay, her situation becomes more desperate.’
    ‘You should not fear that her life is in immediate danger. Blake wants her alive until he has her fortune safe in his hands. If she died before he persuades her to wed him, he would lose what he truly wants—though he swears he cares for her and she for him. Were I not sure that he means her no harm for the moment, I should have gone to the authorities immediately. I am in part to blame for her predicament and shall do what I can to help her.’
    ‘Do you believe Blake when he says he cares for her?’
    ‘Not any longer. Yet I think she is safe enough for the time being—at least, her life is not at risk. More than that is not within my power to judge.’
    ‘He may allow her to live, but she may lose everything else,’ Jane reminded him. ‘Abduction and the forceful seduction of an innocent lady is a wicked crime. Rogues who participate in such crimes deserve to hang.’
    A little nerve flicked at George’s temple. Yethis expression was strictly controlled, giving no hint of his state of mind.
    ‘I cannot deny it. Nor do I deny that I played a part in this heinous affair. I wish it were otherwise—though had I not agreed to help him, he would have employed some other rogue. I should not then have been in a position to help you—or her.’
    Jane silently acknowledged the truth of his words as she ate her food and swallowed a few mouthfuls of wine. She undoubtedly owed the fact that she was still alive to him, for had he not found her in the hut and then denied it to his companions, Blake might have come himself. She might already be lying dead somewhere. Putting the wineglass down still half-full, she sighed and leaned back to rest her head on the comfortable cushions. She was inclined to believe George when he said he regretted taking part in the abduction of Mariah Fanshawe, but that did not excuse his conduct. Whatever the hold Blake had over him, he should not have sunk to that vile creature’s level.
    * *

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