The Mysterious Governess (Daughters of Sin Book 3)
later, intending to return the beautifully cleaned gown to its rightful place. For as the wrapping fell away, a beautiful silver comb encrusted with tiny, sparkling gems of colored glass tumbled to the floor.
    Attached to it was a card on which was written: Always remember the man who would have rescued you from more than just a hackney accident, had it been possible –Ralph Tunley.
    Her delight was sudden and brief but the crushing disappointment that followed was more long-lasting. She tossed the card and comb on the bed in order to concentrate on ensuring the gown was perfect. Only when she’d reassured herself on that score did she return her attention to the lackluster message—and find that more words had been written on the inside of the fold.
    If you ever need a knight in shining armor—albeit a poor one—you can find me through Mrs. Nipkins, mantua maker to the nobility, Coopers Alley, Soho.
    C osmo adopted a different approach the next time he saw Lissa. She was walking with the younger girls in the little park in front of the Lamonts’ townhouse. The evening shadows were long and Lissa was glad of the girls’ company as she became aware of him creeping up behind her. When she felt his hot breath on her cheek and his soft words in her ear, she knew he was trying to unnerve her. He would not succeed.
    “What do you really know of Lord Debenham?” There was both envy and concern in his tone. “He wishes for a charcoal sketch, you know. A likeness.” Master Cosmo matched his steps with hers.
    Lissa gripped his younger sister Nellie’s hand as she answered blithely, the lies tripping off her tongue, “Lord Debenham is a friend of my father’s. I have never met him, personally, until we danced at Lady Stanley’s, however, I barely looked at him, I was so overcome with fear he might recognize my name, though of course he did not. But I’m sorry, Master Cosmo, I am quite unable to render his likeness, if that’s what you want.”
    She had determined already that she would not submit to any amount of bullying just to bolster Cosmo’s reputation as a painter. The young master had no concern for Lissa’s welfare. If Ralph hadn’t helped her gain admittance to the house last night, she might well be on her way back to her dear mama’s without a job right now.
    Cosmo was silent for some moments, apparently not expecting such intransigence, so Lissa was surprised when he said pleasantly, “I’ve been invited to attend Mrs. Gargery’s garden party tomorrow and I would like you to accompany me.”
    Nellie and Harriet had run on ahead so he added, “Not that anyone will be made aware of your lowly position. I can’t afford to have it known you are what you are, however, I thought you may enjoy the diversion.”
    “And because Lord Debenham will be there?” But he’d found her weak spot. A garden party. It would be a chance to mix with her social superiors.
    Immediately she corrected herself. Her social superiors? Her father was one of these people. So were her half-sisters, Araminta and Hetty.
    She’d always held out the smallest hope that somehow she’d find her niche. That she wouldn’t be a lowly governess forever.
    Then she thought of lovely Mr. Tunley and her stomach turned over. If only he wasn’t as poor as a church mouse, though his fulsome compliments had been quite safe to declare as he’d so clearly put himself out of contention for being a suitor. Even though she’d tried not to think of him all morning, the image of his handsome, smiling face with its unruly thatch of brown hair kept intruding.
    But a garden party, where eligible young men might be similarly taken with her, was too irresistible to refuse. She was not being vain but at twenty, she needed to direct her future where she could. She had no intention of being a governess or living as a spinster with her mother for the rest of her life.
    “I want you to enjoy what is not generally within your reach, Miss Hazlett.” His

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