your shareholders should know they’ll get no stake in the Vallerio Roadster.”
She knew he wasn’t going to give away the shop. And he knew at the end of the day that he wasn’t going to give up until he had everything he wanted.
But then she remembered his comment from yesterday. All’s fair… Pivoting her chair to face him, she leaned forward so that she was almost touching him. He glanced away from the table and down her body.
Inside she smiled. Genevieve’s dress was right on the money and the perfect tool to distract Antonio. “I think we’re both too tired to discuss this anymore today. How about if I send you an e-mail with the things we want?”
She was careful to keep her shoulders back so that her breasts were thrust forward. Inside she knew her business school mentor, Professor Stanley Muchen, would have told her that this behavior was deplorable.
But as Antonio leaned forward and took her hand in his she realized that she didn’t care. She wanted to flirt with Antonio, and using her “wiles” to distract him was exactly what she needed to get what she wanted.
Nathalie suspected that Antonio wasn’t paying as close attention to the meeting as he normally would have. She had to wonder if it was because of her new clothes. But that seemed a bit silly to her. Antonio was a sophisicated man who was used to attractive women.
But this wasn’t like her normal boardroom maneuvering, and frankly, as Antonio leaned closer to her, she knew she was out of her league. The dress was just a costume she wore. It hadn’t changed who she was on the inside. To be honest he knew she had no idea how to use her body to manipulate the deal.
“What are you thinking?” he asked.
“That I’ve started something I can’t finish.”
He stood up and leaned against the table in front of her. She arched her neck back to maintain eye contact.
“What do you mean, cara? This?” He gestured to the two of them.
“Yes, this. My sister said…Oh, man, am I really saying this out loud?”
“What did your sister say? That you should seduce me and get me to agree to all of your terms?”
She tipped her head to the side and realized that either he had thought of the idea of seducing her or someone on his team had suggested the same thing. “Perhaps.”
“We are both adults, Nathalie,” he said. “We are attracted to each other. It doesn’t have anything to do with our families or the companies they own.”
She wished it were that easy. That she could simply turn off the corporate lawyer part of her brain and pretend that an affair with Antonio would have no repercussions beyond the emotional ones she felt when affairs ended.
“I’m trying to decide if you really believe that or if you are just trying another tactic to get me to agree to your terms,” she said.
Antonio reached down and took her hand in his. “I always believe what I say. I might not tell you all the reasoning behind it, though.”
“I am not sure—”
“Don’t think about this, Nathalie. We both have agreed to go back to our board of directors and to discuss the new terms. There is nothing more to be said or done this day. Why not enjoy each other’s company?”
“Why not?” she asked, shaking her head. “I imagine Romeo must have said the same thing to Juliet.”
He laughed. “I don’t intend for either of us to die and I’m pretty sure that Dom and Emile won’t draw blood while touring the car factory.”
“I’m not trying to be melodramatic. It’s just we aren’t two people whose paths have crossed without consequences. As much as I might want to have an affair with you—”
“You want to have an affair with me?” he asked, leaning forward.
Any other man would have been crowding her, but with Antonio he couldn’t get close enough. She stood up and put her hands on his shoulders.
“You’re a smart man. You can figure that out.”
He reached up and touched the side of her face with one long finger and she