The Mating
they’d studied each other and then he’d pulled her into an awkward embrace.

    “You’ll be fine with Kane,” he whispered in her ear. “He’s a good man.”
    Elise nodded, knowing her father had done what he thought was best, and would never have consented to her going with someone totally unsuitable. Being the Alpha wasn’t an easy position and the needs of the pack had to be considered first—she just wished that their well-being hadn’t come at the expense of her own dreams. Since there was no going back, she’d plastered a fake smile on her face and got into Kane’s truck, waving at the other pack members who had gathered outside. Searching the group, she noted that Bryan was absent and regretted not seeing him one last time, but perhaps it was for the best.

    As they pulled out of the driveway, she stared straight ahead. If she had to watch the house slowly disappearing from sight, she knew she’d burst into tears and she didn’t want to show such weakness in front of Kane. It wasn’t that she thought he’d say anything about it, but she had her pride. She wouldn’t be a snivelling, weak mate. There might not be any love between them but at least she’d ensure that Kane respected her.

    Slowly Elise came out of her reverie and began to take note of the passing scenery. They’d left her father’s territory about half an hour ago and she wondered if Kane’s home would be similar to her own. Each pack owned large parcels of land that consisted mainly of wilderness, clearly marked as private property. Within a territory, there was always one main Alpha house where meetings were held and the Alpha and Beta’s families lived. Surrounding the main home were several small cabins where other pack members could live when needed. Many had their own homes located within the territory and a few chose to live in nearby towns with the human population.

    Packs were generally stable. Occasionally new members would join either through a mating or having to relocate due to jobs, but they tended to be closely knit societies and spent a great deal of time at each other’s houses, though the Alpha home was the centre of most activity. At any given time, members could be found lounging about the living room, preparing food in the kitchen or roaming the property. There was never a chance to be lonely…

    “How large is your pack?” Elise broke the silence between them.

    “About the same size as the one you’ve belonged to. Our Alpha house has six bedrooms and four baths, office space, a living room, a large dining area and a kitchen. The basement was recently renovated and is a multi-purpose room for meetings with a media centre, pool table, and play area for the young ones.”

    “It sounds nice. Who shares the house with you?”

    “Besides yourself?” He grinned over at her before returning his attention to the road. “My Beta is John and his mate’s name is Carrie. They’re expecting their first in a few months. Zack’s widow—he was the previous Alpha—she’s continued to stay there as well. Her name is Helen.”

    Elise nodded thinking that with three other people in the house, it should make things easier. She wouldn’t be alone with Kane all the time—she still wasn’t that comfortable around him—and having two other women to talk to would be nice. Hopefully, they’d like her. If Carrie was just having her first, she’d be about the same age, so maybe they’d have something in common. “There are always people in and out of our house—I mean my father’s house. Is yours similar?”

    “Yeah, sometimes it’s a three ring circus. With you arriving, it will probably be especially busy as everyone stops by to meet you.”

    She bit her lip, not looking forward to meeting so many new people. Names, and scents and hierarchy placements to remember… It sounded overwhelming. Possibly sensing her trepidation, Kane reached over and clasped her knee. “It will be fine. We’re not as…

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