The Mating
pups here, teaching them all the secret places in the woods that were part of their territory. She blinked rapidly as tears threatened and turned away from the beloved view. That was all in the past now.

    Swallowing hard, she walked to her bed, carefully tugging it away from the wall so that she could feel along the baseboards. There was a loose section and she moved it over, feeling inside the hidden space behind. Was it still there? Surely no one had found it… She reached in further and finally her fingers encountered a soft surface. Pulling it out, she shook the dust off of the leather bound book. It was an old diary—one that she’d kept on and off for years. Lately she hadn’t been writing in it, but still, she couldn’t leave it behind. Who knew who might take over this room in the future? Elise didn’t want some stranger reading her secret thoughts.

    Tucking the book into the large purse she had slung over her shoulder, she scanned the room one more time before walking to the door. Pausing briefly, she turned and gave the room one last glance before flipping off the light switch and quietly closing the door on her childhood. Her chin quivered as she stood in the hallway but she forced her emotions down. Taking a deep breath, she descended the stairs and went to meet Kane where he was waiting to take her to her new home.


    The drive was completed almost in silence. Kane made a few idle comments along the way but seemed content to listen to the radio, his fingers drumming along on the steering wheel, keeping time to the music. Elise didn’t feel inclined towards conversation either and was grateful for the songs that filled the quietness of the cab. With her head leaning against the window, she stared unseeing at the passing landscape, lost in thought.

    Leaving the house had been hard. Sarah, usually a no-nonsense type of person, had uncharacteristically fussed over her, making Elise promise to come and visit soon.

    “Now remember, just because you’re moving away, doesn’t mean we have to lose contact.” Sarah tucked a stray lock of hair behind Elise’s ear. “You can call anytime and I’m sure we’ll find opportunities to visit.”

    “I’m sure we will too.” Elise hugged her tightly knowing she’d miss the woman. While Sarah wasn’t exactly the warm, cuddly type, she’d still done her best to help raise Elise, and her brother and sister, providing some of the attention that they missed once their mother was gone.

    Jake gave her a one armed hug, before ruffling her hair. “I’m going to miss you, kiddo. Who will drive me crazy with their non-stop talking now?”

    Elise leaned her head against Jake’s chest, breathing in his comforting scent one last time. She’d always had a fun, relaxed relationship with the easy-going Beta—he was like a favourite uncle who tolerated her questions and teased her unmercifully, yet was always there when needed. In many ways, he took the place of her father who always seemed too busy to have time for his youngest child.

    Vaguely, she could recall times when she was younger, when her father had played with her or taken her into the woods. That had been back when her mother was still alive. With the death of his mate, the Alpha had seemed to withdraw from his children, possibly too caught up in his own grief to deal with them. Whatever the reason, Elise had found herself looking more and more to John for fatherly attention and as a result, felt closer to him than her own biological father. She harboured no bitterness about the fact; it was just the way things were.

    “I’ll miss you, Jake.” The simple statement was all Elise could get out, due to the sudden thickness of her throat.

    He nodded at her in understanding and kissed the top of her head. Taking a deep breath, she stepped away and turned to her father. She loved him but it was a much more formal relationship. He was always the Alpha first and being a father came second. For a moment

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