I was done, it was a little after one. I decided to go ahead and take the drive out to Calaveras County. It took me two and half hours to get there and the drive was beautiful. Caress had gotten me a room at one the local resorts, a five-star establishment.
When I pulled in, I noticed right away the ratings for this place had to have been a couple of stars at the least. It looked a little wild, weeds were unruly and, there were only three cars in the giant parking lot. I dragged my bags to the front door and had to rest before I continued.
An elderly man came out to help me. “Welcome to the Calaveras County Five Star Resort.”
“You must be the lawyer.”
“Well, um, yes sir.”
“Ah, now, none of that 'sir' business. I’m Ben, and here's my lovely wife, Pauline.”
“It’s very nice to meet you both,” I said with a smile.
“Now, Sugar, the lady on the phone didn’t tell us how long you’d be staying,” she said with a smile.
I wondered if there was a convention coming to town because there wasn’t anybody here.
“Maybe a week or two. Is that alright?”
“Oh yes, Sugar. We just like to know, that’s all. Benji! Benji!” she yelled.
A pimple-faced teenager came from around the corner, texting.
“Take Mrs. . . .” She dragged the Mrs. part out because she didn’t know what my last name was.
“Ms. Courtland,” I quickly answered.
“Take Ms. Courtland’s bags up to her room.”
Benji reached around and threw the bags on a luggage carrier.
“Blessed be, Benji. Be careful with those, and where’s your hat?”
The teen pulled a round hat from his back pocket. It was all crumpled and smashed.
“Well,” Pauline breathed out in a huff.
I signed the three forms and went up to my room. There were only three floors there and I was on the top. Benji was standing outside my room when I got there.
He never lifted his eyes from his phone as he said, “Here’s the bathroom, kitchen area, bedroom's in there, and here’s your sitting room. Have a nice stay.” He walked out of the room.
I held a bill out for him, but he was too busy texting to notice.
“Benji?” I called after him.
“Yes, ma’am?” He finally looked up and saw the twenty-dollar bill dangling in his face. His eyes got wide, and he gave me a huge smile. He had the biggest braces I’d ever seen. And, good grief he had horse teeth. I prayed those braces helped with that mouth of his.
“Thank you, Ms. Courtland and if you need anything else, just call down to the front desk.” Benji left, staring at the twenty all the way down the hall.
I changed clothes and decided to go ahead and try to find Xavier’s farm. I put on a t-shirt and jeans with a pair of rain boots. I had a feeling I would be knee deep in something squishy or liquid like. I went down to the front desk, and Ben was behind the counter now.
“Excuse me, Ben. I’m trying to find Xavier Luther’s farm.”
“Well,” he laughed. I watched him carefully. “Let me show you.” He walked outside and I followed. He went around to the back of the resort; we walked along the deck. He pointed in the distance “There’s Xavier’s place… All of
Gail McEwen, Tina Moncton