The Marriage That Didn't Stay in Vegas (BWWM Romance)

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Book: Read The Marriage That Didn't Stay in Vegas (BWWM Romance) for Free Online
Authors: Phoenix Rayne
that… and there… and even there.”
                  It was ginormous and I wasn’t prepared for all of this. 
                  “You really don’t need to drive that little car down there. How about I give you a lift and you just call me when you’re ready to come on back?”
                  I nodded with a smile. 
                  We got in Ben's pickup and bounced all the way to Xavier’s place.  It took us about fifteen minutes, and I couldn’t see a thing but trees until we pulled up to the front gates.  They were massive and looked like they were guarding the grounds.  I’m sure these trees were planted years ago and not placed here a year or two ago.  The gates had to be ten feet tall all the way around.  Ben pushed the buzzer and someone spoke through the box. 
                  “Is he expecting you?” Ben asked me in a whisper. 
                  I shook my head.
                  “Now, you ain't coming up here to start no trouble with Xavier, are you?”
                  I shook my head no again, but this time with a frown.
                  “Alright then,” he gave me a warning tone. 
                  “It’s Ben Cumberland, and I have a delivery for Xavier.”
                  “Come on in, Ben,” the voice from the box greeted him. 
                  The gates unlocked and sounded like it unlocked some more before they started opening slowly.  Once they opened wide enough for the pickup to fit through, Ben drove on in. 
                  We drove down a long driveway and I saw the house. Well, "house" was an understatement.  It was more like a compound, big as it was.  Two big droopy looking dogs came running up to the Pickup.  Ben stopped the truck and shut the engine off. 
                  “Hey there, Sonic, and hey there, Boom.” Ben greeted both dogs. 
                  They jumped up on Ben, and he patted and rubbed at them. 
                  I put my satchel across me and jumped out of the truck.  The one he called Sonic came over and sniffed at me then dropped down to the ground.
                  “Oh my God!!! What’s wrong with him?” I asked Ben frantically.
                  “Ah, he's just flirting with you. Get up from there, Sonic.”
                  The dog jumped straight up.  He kept sniffing me, but he never jumped on me, thank God. 
                  We walked around to the back of the ranch and then I got the full effect.  There was a pond, two barns, a few sheds, horse stables and then fields and fields of animals everywhere.  There were all segregated, but there were hundreds of them.   I saw a few little houses out in the distance, but it was obvious they belonged to the massive property.  There were so many people walking around working. They acted as if it was nine o’clock in the morning.  I leaned against one of the huge beams just trying to soak it all in. 
                  “Ben! What you been up to? Clara said you had a delivery for me.”
                  I heard Xavier’s voice coming from the side of us. 
                  “Hey, Xavier. Nothing much, just trying to take in as much fishing as I can.  And yes, I do have a delivery for you.”
                  I cringed behind the beam, sweating bullets now.
                  “Well, where is it?”
                  “She was right here."
                  “Well, hell, who is it?”
                  “It’s your wife,” I told him, stepping from around the beam. 
                  Everything on that farm got very still and very quiet.  Ben's eyes were wide as dinner plates, and the rest of the nearby crew was frozen by my words. 

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