The Living Universe

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Book: Read The Living Universe for Free Online
Authors: Duane Elgin
minute variation would have resulted in no universe at all. For example, had the rate of expansion after the Big Bang been even slightly faster, the universe would have evaporated—and no stars or planets would have formed. Alternately, had the rate of expansion been even slightly slower, the universe would have collapsed back upon itself long ago—and the Big Bang would have quickly become the Big Crunch! There are at least several dozen relationships in the universe that need to be precisely just as they are if life is to exist. From the strength of gravity to the charge of an electron—if any of these were different by even small amounts, life as we know it would not be possible. The extraordinary degree of fine-tuning in our universe indicates that a profound design-intelligence is at work (not to be equated with the theology of “intelligent design,” which negates evolution). 12
    So what might be required to build and maintain, in good working condition, a universe like ours? Consider this: What if you are well known for your creativity and skill, and the Mother Universe says to you, “I really like your work. Would you like to build a cosmos? Think about it.” Then the Mother Universe hands you nine design and construction requirements. 13 Consider these playfully as a way to stretch your imagination and prepare for the inquiry ahead.
    â€¢ First, you must create a transparent field with an invisible structure called
that will keep everything in itsproper place and time. Place the cosmos within that field and guarantee that this dimensional geometry will work flawlessly across trillions of miles for billions of years.
    â€¢ Second, you cannot construct your universe from anything visible. You must build everything from transparent life energy.
    â€¢ Third, instead of allowing the universe to emerge fully developed, you must engineer it so that it inflates from an area far smaller than a pinpoint and grows to contain a hundred billion galaxies, each with a hundred billion or more stars.
    â€¢ Fourth, design
. Take clouds of energy that are almost entirely empty space and have them flow around themselves trillions of times per second in order to present themselves as stable forms. Despite their completely dynamic nature, give these whirlwinds of energy the appearance and feel of solidity.
    â€¢ Fifth, design
. Simple emptiness or the absence of matter won’t do; instead, you must continually regenerate the transparency of space throughout the universe. The invisible fabric of space-time must be an opening process that continually unfolds to provide the transparent container within which matter, an equally dynamic process, can present itself.
    â€¢ Sixth, design a cosmic information system that connects instantaneously across the entire universe. Anything that happens anywhere must be knowable everywhere, instantly.
    â€¢ Seventh, design the potential for planetary-scale ecosystems to emerge that can grow billions of unique living organisms, such as plants and animals. Ensure that these organisms can feed off each other in a process sustainable for billions of years.
    â€¢ Eighth, design the potential for self-reflective life forms that are able to self-evolve toward ever more complex and conscious entities.
    â€¢ Ninth, design a process that enables the cosmos to be continuously regenerated in its entirety using the flow-through of stupendous amounts of energy. This flow of continuous creation must include the fabric of space-time, and all manifestations of matter, thought, feeling, and consciousness.
    â€œIf you can meet these nine construction requirements, you are ready to begin building a new universe,” says the Mother Universe. Although these design requirements are adapted from my book
Awakening Earth
, written more than fifteen years ago, each time I return to them it awakens my appreciation of the power, wisdom, and subtlety embodied in

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