and so now he REALLY looks like
Jimmy Olsen a hole lot. In fact we was thinking of taking Robert’s picture and sending it to Jimmy Olseri so Jimmy Olsen would open it and say GREAT KRYPTON! HE MUST BE MY TWIN BROTHER! And then maybe Jimmy Olsen might want to meet Robert and so he might ask you to fly him here to Pulpburg. And if you wanted to stay over night then Jimmy could stay with Robert and you could stay at my house because I don’t think my mom would mind too much once she gets a chance to meet you. So what do you think?
Me and Robert have been thinking about it and we decided that maybe you and God really should get to meet each other sometime. You see, Sister Mary Justin says God can see everything that’s going on in the world and so can you if you use your X-ray Vision. And Sister Mary Justin says God can be everywhere at once and so can you if you use your Super-speed. I mean, you can go all the way to Mars in only two seconds and that’s pretty god. I mean good. And Sister Mary Justin also says that nothing can kill God except the Jews and all that can kill you is Kryptonite. And that can’t be much worse than the Jews. And just think, some day you might invent a cure for Kryptonite but how can you invent a cure for the Jews?
Of course I never saw a real Jew because we don’t have any here in Pulpburg. We just have Catholics and Italiens and Pollacks and Protestents. And every time my dad comes in from work my mom says YOU’RE DIRTY AS A NIGGER! And so one time when we went to visit my Ant Emma on the train in Buffalo I pointed at the conductor and yelled LOOK, MOM! HE’S DIRTY AS A NIGGER LIKE DAD! And my mom got all red and she said NOW HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO CALL THEM NEGROS, JERRY? And I said YOU AIN’T NEVER TOLD ME! And my mom looked at me just like Sister Mary Justin looks at me. That’s when I learned you’re supposed to call them Negros when you talk in front of them but you can call them Niggers when my dad comes home from work. I think it would be a lot easier if you just called them one thing and then you wouldn’t have to worry about it all the time. But I don’t think anybody else around here thinks like I think you’re supposed to think like.
You see, Superpal, Pulpburg is a pretty small place and everybody knows who you are except they call you by your dad’s name instead of your own. And since my dad’s name is Anthony they all call me Little Tony. Or else they call me Little Buster which is even worse. Or else they don’t even pay any attention to me which is what usually happens. Except when I do something like spitting from the upstairs porch and trying to make it land in the mailman’s pouch when he looked up and I got it on his nose. And then my dad pad a LOT of attention to me.
Anyway, my mom says God talks to nunns and I hope you don’t do that also, Superman. Because you dress a lot better and you’re a lot handsomer and I think your red boots are a LOT nicer than sandels. So I hope you don’t ever decide to grow a beard.
The thing I don’t like about God is how he got murderd by the Jews which is who I was telling you about before the Negros. He couldn’t find a way to excape before they grabbed him and nailed him to a cross in the end. Which wasn’t really the end because he came alive again. Which is pretty good. But I think it would be a lot better if he just got away in the beginning like you got away from Krypton. Maybe what he needed is Super branes like you and me are gonna have except you already have them.
Which just gave me a good idea, Superman.
What you could do is fly faster than the speed of light and crash through the Time Barrier. And you could land in Jeruslum just when they’re gonna nail him to that cross. And you could fly down and all the guards would try to stab you with their speers and their speers
Heidi Hunter, Bad Boy Team